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【篇一:海南省英语导游词 中英文版】
the site of bo ao forum for asia(博鳌亚洲论坛会址)
  hello everyone! welcome to hainan province .im your tour guide , my name is cherry. im so glad to stand here , today ,i will take you to a water city which named boao.
boao is a small town that located at the east of qionghai of hainan province .it is 110 kilometers from haikou .of cause ,the symbol of the town is the site of boao forum for asia .so somebody will ask me ,why this small town was chosen by world leaders as the permanent site for asian. from geography angle to see, the town is at the mouth of wanquan river, it has the most beautiful scenery together with long gun river and jiuqu river .in chinese traditional concept, it means on the top of the beautiful scenery, it could take a lot of good luck to china .
on april 12th, 2002.the first session was held in boao, 2000 representatives and journalist took into the meeting. since that time, boao became the focus of asia and the world .
as scenic spot, boao is famous for its jade belt beach ,the beach is
8.5kilometers long and the narrowest sand peninsula to separate the sea and river ,it also be listed in the guinness world record. please look the beach over there, on one side is the smooth river, but on the other side are the vast waves of the sea. the beautiful scenery attract a lot of tourists every year, so do not forget to bring it to your memory .if you want to take photos , i will help you !thank you !
the end of the earth(天涯海角)
hello!everyone, welcome to hainan province i m the guide from sanya travel agency, my name is cherry. today, i will take you to the most famous scenic sport in hainan ,tian ya hai jiao, the end of the earth! it is located 20kms west of san ya with mt ma ling at its back.
now, we are going to visit the scenery of pillar under southern sky .there is a moving story about it. in ancient times, there are fierce waves on the sea surface, it made people could not go fishing on the sea .two fairy maidens decide to do something for the locals. they left the heaven and stood upon the waves, then the wind went down and the sea became quite calm .but the lady queen mother got very angry, because fairies are not allowed to interfere in human affairs. so she decided to arrest them to back .in order to guidance for the fisherman, two fairies became double -sail rocks into the sea .when the rock struck by the lighting ,half of it flew onto the beach of tian ya hai jiao. people admired the fairy maidens being upright so called it pillar under southern sky .
our next station is tian ya hai jiao, the sauce about it from song dynasty ,the emperor banished criminals to yazhou, as the road is toolong ,so people call it the end of the earth .about tianya haijiao ,it is said that there is a couple of young people love with each other ,but their families wound not consent the marriage ,so they chose to headed for the sea. finally, they became two stones, since that time, t
hey will never been separated and become a symbol of love. these words on the stones were inscription by official of yazhou in qing dynasty . now the scenic spot become a romantic place attract a lot of tourists every year .
so everyone come to here will take photos as souvenir, if you want, i will help you!
lu hui tou park(鹿回头公园)
hello!everybody, welcome to the province of hainan .i m your tour guide, my name is cherry. i m so glad to stand here .today, i will take you to a romantic scenic spot named lu hui tou ,the deer turning head .
so, friends, here is lu hui tou peninsula at an elevation of 285meters. the park was built in 1984.so somebody will ask me .the mountain ranges in hainan were niuling and malinger. why we called deer turning head? so i am going to tell you a beautiful fairy tale .
long long ago, there lived a hardworking and warmhearted young hunter in the wuz hi shan mountains. one day, he went hunting .he found a colorful deer and tracked
it .after climbing 99 mountains ,wading cross 99 rivers in 9 days and nights, he came to the cliff where this park is located ,as soon as the young hunter was drawing the bow and to shoot the deer ,but with flesh of light ,the deer turned her head and became a beautiful girl of the the li nationality .it turned out the fairy maiden in the heaven took a fancy to the young hunter .then ,the fairy maiden and the young hunter got married and left a happy life,as the romantic legend ,people call the place deer turning head

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