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中图分类号:P425.6+3 文献标志码:A 论文编号:2013-0321
District Division Analysis of Wind Energy Resource in Linfen City
Wu Haiting1, Li Lin2, Cao Qiaolian1, Li Guoqiang1, Wang Wenping1, Guo Jie1
(1Linfen Meteorology Bureau of Shanxi Province, Linfen 041000, Shanxi, China;
2Anyang Meteorological Bureau of Henan Province, Anyang 455000, Henan, China)
Abstract: In order to clarify the abundance, scarcity and distribution of wind power resources of Linfen, and divide the areas into wind power available and unavailable zones, the author analyzed the average wind speed, hours of effective wind speed, average effective wind energy density and the division of effective wind energy area based on the self-recording hourly wind data of meteorological observation stations in 17 counties (cities, districts) belonging to Linfen from 2000-2011,and plot the city’s average annual wind energy density and win d zoning map. The results showed that: Pu County, mid-east of Xi County and south of Lvliang located in the mid-west of Fenxi County were regions that had the most abundant wind energy resources in the city,which also in accordance with the development conditions, it provided foundation for future development and utilization of wind energy resources. In general, Linfen was less abundant wind resource areas. However, the contiguous high mountain terrain in Linfen, such as south of Lvliang, still existed wind power resources available areas, and qualified for development and utilization.
Key words: Effective Wind Force; Effective Wind Energy; Wind Energy Division

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标签:风能   资源   临汾市
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