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I have a dream, that is travelling to Yunnan Province. It is a very beautiful place.
I will go to Yunnan when I have enough money and time. First I will go to Kunming City to see flowers. It is a city of spring. Then I will go to Dali and Lijiang to see some old buildings. I will learn some knowledge about history from them. After that I will go to Xishuangbanna to enjoy the beautiful mountains and the rivers. It will be interesting to see the house made of bamboo, and I hope to be lucky to celebrate the Water-splashing Festival with the people there. If I can ride on an elephant, I will be so exciting.
I think having a journey in Yunnan will be so interesting, b ut it’s just a beautiful dream now and I must study hard for the dream.

本文发布于:2023-05-08 00:22:20,感谢您对本站的认可!



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