2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit+6+Section+Ⅳ Develo

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Section  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas
第一步 速读——了解文章主题和段落大意
What is the main idea of the passage?
AAll the British people love gardening.
BRich people like to build their own gardens.
CThe British show their love to gardening.
DThe gardening is beneficial to the environment.
[答案] C
第二步 细读——把控文章关键信息
1From Paragraph 1, we can learn       
Athe whole world looks like a real garden
Ball rich people in Britain have a garden
Cmany British people's fingers are green
Dhomes with gardens were built before at first
2What do we know the love of gardening in Britain?
AChildren like to see the tallest flowers.
BOnly experts can enter the competitions.
CPeople enjoy working in their gardens.
DPeople can find a place to plant flowers.
3Why do people turn their rooftops into gardens?
AThe flowers on the rooftops are more beautiful.
BThe space that can be used is limited.
CToo many people are waiting for the place.
DThe flowers on the rooftops improve the air quality.
[答案] 1.A 2.C 3.B
第三步 研读——能力升华 接轨高考
The book The Secret Garden1.published(publish)in 1911, inspires people to plant flowers.But before that, only a few people had enough money 2.to have(have) gardens.M
any houses have been built 3.with gardens and many British people are proud of their “green fingersIn spring children like to find the 4.tallest(tall)sunflowers.Some people spend much time 5.growing (grow)their vegetables for competitions.Howeverthe space on 6.which to grow things is limited so people use their rooftop 7.as a private garden.These gardens 8.have improved(improve) the air quality and people's living 9.conditions(condition) since then.10.Where you tend a thistle can't grow.
1He is expert(专家的) in gardening.
2Sunflowers(向日葵)can change their direction with the sun.
3Many gardeners (园丁) like to plant flowers and vegetables together.
4We should make full use of our limited(有限的)life time.
5Beauty()in this painting varies from people to people.
6His new book is to be published next week.
7Many young people rent an apartment near their working place.
8Our English have been greatly improved with the help of Mr.Li.
1publish v.出版publisher n.出版商publishing n.出版
2beauty n.美beautiful adj.美丽的;美好的beautify v.美化;装饰
3improve v.改善,改进improvement n.改善,改进
4limit v限制limited adj.有限的limitless adj.没有限制的,无限的
1different kinds of       各种;不同种类的
2come from      来自于
3at that time      当时
4start to      开始做
5spend time doing sth.      花费时间做某事
6wait for      等待
7into..      ……变成……
8as well as      ……之外
1Flowers are chosen for their scent as well as their look.
2I jumped to my feet so my thoughts wouldn't start to wander.
3Do not wait for good things to happen to you.
4We were in the same college, which was male—only at that time
5It could well turn the party into some kind of a media circus.
6Do you spend time doing the things that make you smile?
7He tasted different kinds of liquors in drops.
8Many of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses.
difficult—difficulty 困难
honest—honesty 诚实
discover—discovery 发现
1.Today, millions of Brits like to say that they have green fingers”,with around half the population spending most of their free time gardening.
He went home alone, with cold wind blowing outside.
2.Where you tend a thistle cannot grow.
Where there is a willthere is a way.
limited adj.有限的
(教材P70)But in citieslimited space has led to people looking for new solutions.
(1)limit n.           限度;限制;范围;界限
within limits      适度地;有限度地
without limit      无限地;无限制地
(2)limit vt.      限制;限定
limit sb./ sth.      ……限制在……之内
(3)limitless adj.      无限的
I'm willing to helpwithin limits.
Families are limited to four free tickets each.

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