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西南大学地理科学学院,XX 400715
摘 要:XX宣汉百里峡地质遗迹景观特鲜明, 区位条件优越,地质遗迹景观资源丰富,构造剖面典型,轮廓清楚,岩溶发育,峡谷以奇峰怪石,地质水体纵多;自然生态和人文景观也极为丰富, 从而构成了类型多样、优势突出的旅游资源组合。百里峡地质景区具有极高的科研、保护和旅游开发。本文对地质旅游资源开发条件及模式等进行了思考, 并就实行品牌化开发战略需注意的问题提出建议, 力求使百里峡地质旅游持续、健康、快速发展。
关键词: 百里峡地质遗迹 旅游资源旅游开发;XX省宣汉县
Geological Reseach aboat Development of Tourist Areas at Bai Lixia in Xuan Han County of Si Chuan Province
Yang Fei
School of Geographical Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing  400715, China
Abstract:Bai Lixia,which locates in Xuan Han county of Si Chuan province,is famous for its distinctive and rich geological landscapes,excellent location condition,typical profile structure,clear outline,canyon with all kind of special stone and abundance geological water.Apart from that,with abundance natural and cultural lravtandscapes,Bai Lixia has its special travel resources.Because all of this, Bai Lixia has a high value of scientific research,conservation and tourism.Therefore,in my thesis,in order to encourage the lasting,healthy and fast development of the landscape,I would like to give my suggestion based on my consideration on the pattern and condition of the exploitation of geological travel resources.

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