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优秀展览展厅设计案例Modern Marketing 现代市场营销, 2020, 10(1), 1-7 Published Online February 2020 in Hans. /journal/mom  /10.12677/mom.2020.101001
文章引用: 徐婷婷, 褚重花, 王顺才, 王琼. 云南普者黑景区旅游营销策略现状研究[J]. 现代市场营销, 2020, 10(1): 1-7. DOI: 10.12677/mom.2020.101001
The Status Research of Countermeasures of Tourism Marketing of Puzhehei Area in Yunnan
Tingting Xu, Zhonghua Chu, Shuncai Wang, Qiong Wang *
Zhong Huau Vocational College of YUFE, Kunming Yunnan
清远一天自驾游Received: Dec. 13th , 2019; accepted: Dec. 26th , 2019; published: Jan. 2nd , 2020
Puzhehei area of Yunnan is researched in this study. The status research of countermeasure of mar-keting of Puzhehei in the development process is discussed from the perspective of the tourism
浙江5日游旅游攻略marketing. Based on the basic research theory of SWOT analysis, the methods of questionnaire sur-vey and field reconnaissance were used to research the relationship of the current situation and tourism marketing of Puzhehei and analyze the shortages of tourism marketing. According to status of the problem, the corresponding countermeasures are put forward. The results of the study have important reference and guiding significance for Yunnan tourism marketing.  Keywords
Yunnan, Puzhehei, Tourism, Marketing
徐婷婷,褚重花,王顺才,王  琼*
云南财经大学中华职业学院,云南 昆明
摘  要
本文以云南普者黑景区为研究对象,从旅游营销的角度分析其发展过程中营销方式的现状。基于SWOT 分析法的基础研究理论,以问卷调查、现场踏勘访谈的方式,探究普者黑景区发展情况与旅游营销的深度联系,分析景区营销存在的不足,针对现状问题,提出相应的对策。研究结果将对云南省旅游营销具有重要的参考借鉴和指导意义。

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标签:营销   旅游   景区   研究   现状   云南
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