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The United Kingdom is a land of natural beauty and history, with many of its finest attractions discovered through hiking. Now, dust off your boots, plan according to the following routes presented by a survey of senior hikers and an incredible experience will wait for you.
Wales Coastal Path
Wales is the only country in the world that has an official walking path covering its whole borders. The Wales Coastal Path is a footpath stretching 870 miles from Chester to Chepstow. Walking the whole thing might be demanding, but there are plenty of stretches that can be enjoyed over a day or two.
Southwest Coast Path
You need a fair amount of annual leave, a casual 52 days or so, to undertake this in one go. The route runs from Somerset all the way to Dorset, via rugged cliffs, cute fishing villages and surfing spots along the coastline. You can surely jump on to any point as you like, but you can't afford to miss all the pubs full of jokes and laughter on the way!
Coast to Coast Walk
This long-distance trail isn't official, but popular in the country, taking hikers from the Irish Sea to the North Sea as it rolls into historic Robin Hood's Bay in Yorkshire. Following local footpaths, the route takes you through three UK National Parks: the Lakes, the Yorkshire Dales and the North York Moors.
Cleveland Way
You'll want nine days to fblly complete this hike, which explores both the North York Moors and the county's world-famous coastline. Just make sure you allow enough time to properly enjoy spots like Roseberry Topping hill and pick up a gentle afternoon walk at Whitby's clifftop church.
1.Who will be more interested in the routes?
A.Explorers in the UK.B.Hiking lovers.
C.Nature photographers.D.Field researchers.
徽州宴老板娘事件2.What is highly recommended about Southwest Coast Path?
A.Fishing villages.B.Surfing spots.
1.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Now, dust off your boots, plan according to the following routes presented by a survey of senior hikers and an incredible experience will wait for you.(现在, 撑掉 靴子上的灰尘,根据一项针对高级徒步旅行者的调查给出的以下路线进行计划,一场令人 难以置信的体验将等待着你厂可知,徒步旅行爱好者会对这些路线更感兴趣。应选B
2.细节理解题。根据第三段中"You can surely jump on to any point as you like, but you can't afford to miss all the pubs full of jokes and laughter on the way!(你当然可以随心所欲地跳到任 何一个点上,但你不能错过路上所有充满笑话和笑声的酒吧!户可知,西南海岸航道当地 的酒吧值得推荐。应选C
3.细节理解题。根据三个小标题"Wales Coastal Path Southwest Coast Path Coast to Coast Walk(威尔士海岸小径;西南海岸步道;海岸到海岸步道)”以及最后一段中“Yoif 11 want nine days to folly complete this hike, which explores both the North York Moors and the county's world-famous coastline.(你将需要9天的时间来完成这趟徒步旅行,它将探索北约克荒原和 这个郡举世闻名的海岸线)“可知,这四条路线的共同之处是都沿着海岸。应选C
4.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Due to the skills it takes for one to master this act, bamboo drifting was included in the national intangible cultural heritage list this year.(由于这一动作需要很多技 能,竹筏漂流今年被列入国家非物质文化遗产名录厂可知,竹筏漂流需要很多技巧。应选 Do
5.细节理解题。根据第三段中"Keeping our feet firmly positioned on the narrow bamboo p
ole is the key, so we should fight against the current by constantly changing the angle.(在狭窄 的竹竿上 站稳脚跟是关键,所以我们要不断改变角度,与水流作斗争)”可知,竹筏漂流最大的挑战 是保持平衡。应选D
6.推理判断题。根据最后一段中广州旅游推荐“Pm extremely proud to get responses from viewers that bamboo drifting makes the line between what is possible and impossible unclear.(从观众那里得至lj的反响 是,竹子漂流让可能和不可能之间的界限变得模糊,我感到非常自豪户可推知,观众认为 竹子漂流不可思议。应选A
7.主旨大意题。根据第一段“You might think of martial arts movies when you see people performing graceful moves down the river, all standing on a bamboo strip, but actually it is a form of intangible cultural heritage: bamboo drifting.(当你看到人们站在竹条上,在江面上表演优美 的动作时,你可能会想到功夫电影,但实际上这是一种非物质文化遗产:竹筏漂流)”结合 文章主要介绍了国家非物质文化遗产——竹筏漂流,介绍了这项古老技艺的历史、特点以 及人们对竹筏漂流的看法。可知,C选项“平衡与优雅”最符合文章标题。应选C
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了全球自然遭到了破坏,导致全球生物多样性危机。而如果 答案第2页,共13
8.细节理解题。根据第——段"not because they had pulled back from the edge of extinction, but because the USFWS believed these species would never recover, and were most likely extinct, therefore not requiring protection.西昌电力(不是因为它们从灭绝的边缘拉了回来,而是因为USFWS 认为这些物种永远不会恢复,而且很可能已经灭绝,因此不需要保护。厂可知,它们被从 名单上除是因为这些物种可能已经灭绝,永远不会恢复,也就是什么都不能阻止它们灭 绝。应选D
9.推理判断题。根据第三段“"We cant go another four months without any progress” said Georgina Chandler, senior international policy officer at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.(英国皇家鸟类保护协会高级国际政策官员Georgina Chandler说:“我们不能再继续4 个月没有任何进展。以及第四段Lin Li所说的““With one million species currently in danger of extinction, delaying action is not an option.飞”目前有 100 万个物种濒临灭绝,拖延 行动是不可能的。”厂可推断,这两个人都希望尽快采取行动。应选A

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