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        Traveling alone can be more interesting than traveling with someone else. You can decide what you want to do and change your mind as often as you want. You can also develop your self-confidence and meet interesting people. If you aren’t sure where to go, read our list of best nine places to travel alone.
        New York 纽约
        One of best places to travel alone is New York. It has highly efficient subway system and loads of taxis, so it can be easy for you to get around the city. In spite of renowned be长春市二实验小学
lief, New Yorkers are helpful. They are always ready to help if you need to know directions. Another urban myth is that New York is an unsafe city. I want to say that any other city in the world isn’t safe. Of course you shouldn’t wander in central park after dark, but be sure, you will face no more dangers here as a single traveler.

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