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Unit 3 – Square Roots and Surface Area(textbook Chpt. 1) Identifying Perfect Squares and their Square Root Value - whole values, decimal values, and fractional values List all the perfect square values from 1 to 150.
Determine the value of the square roots.
Identify the Perfect Square value for each square root value given.北京八大处公园
d)  28.1
a)  17  b)  2.7 c)  2
烟台南山学院Estimate Square Roots of Non-Perfect  Squares
Identify the two perfect square values the following numbers fall between.
a)  38  b)  92  c)  115新疆伊犁地图全图高清版
Using the information above, estimate the square root values.
Using Square Roots in Real World Applications
Solve for the value asked for.
a)    A = 265.69 cm2b)    c)
48 cm
17 cm 62 cm
8 cm
Calculate the Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms, Triangular
Prisms, and Cylinders
Calculate the surface area of each solid.  Show process!
Incorporate a single equation!
a)  b)
c)  d)
Calculate the Surface Area of Composite Shapes
- utilize the concept of OVERLAP中国十大旅游景点排行榜
Calculate the surface area of the composite shapes.  Consider the OVERLAP of the solids making up the composite shape and utilize in your calculation.
a)  b)
Additional Review/Practice can be found in the textbook on the following pages…
Study Guide – pg. 44
Extra Practice - pg. 21;  pg. 45 - 47

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