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Zhaoqing city is located in Guangdong Province,the Midwest,is a famous tourist city,has a long history.Zhaoqing total area of 15000 square kilometers,a population of about 4000000 people.A pleasant climate,summer is not too hot,not too cold in winter.Zhaoqing has many tourist attractions,which has the big dipper and Dinghu mountain,their beautiful scenery every year attracts tourists from all over the.Zhaoqing since the Tang Dynasty to the Duan inkstone is famous.zhaoqing,also known as Bagui and Guizhou,is a world-famous scenic city and an important political,cultural,and scientific and technological center of Guangxi.It is an international tourism city,a pioneer area of national tourism innovation and development,and a comprehensive transportation hub approved by the State Council.There are six districts in the city,including counties and one county-level city,with a total area of square kilometers,a built-up area of square kilometers,and a permanent population of more than 10000 people Since ancient times,it is one of the first batch of national famous historical and cultural cities and important tourism centers.
福州旗山森林公园开放了吗>恐龙园门票哪里便宜>宁德霞浦旅游必去十大景点It has been rated as the world's fourth largest inbound tourism city by CNN,the world's fourth largest inbound tourism city by CNN,and"China's best inbound tourism city,zhaoqing City,zhaoqing City,China",second only to Beijing and Beijing Shanghai.

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