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Happy Dragon Hotel in Beijing
Some of the reviews
It’s located in the heart of the city, a couple of minutes’ walk to the underground station. The rooms are clean and the food is delicious.
广西自驾游攻略My wife and I stayed here last month. I couldn’t think of a reason not to give it the full 5 stars. The room was exactly what I needed, though my wife thought it was a little small. The workers are helpful and speak excellent English. All in all, you won’t be disappointed here.
The beds are clean. The room is comfortable. There’s nothing to complain(春节假期去哪里旅游好抱怨) much about. It’s 10 minutes’ walk to Wangfujing. The most important thing is that it doesn’t cost much. It’s certainly a good choice for the young.
1 ________ of the reviewers think the hotel is very good.
A. 5%    B. 7%    C. 上海朱家角古镇怎么去24%    D. 40%
2. People can _________ in the hotel.
A. use Wi-Fi for free    B. have fun swimming
C. bring pets with them    D. exercise in the fitness centre
3. ________ gave full stars to the hotel.
A. Toby Black    B. Bill Smith
C. Anna Wilson    D. Bill Smith’s wife4. What does Anna Wilson think of the hotel?
A. Clean but expensive.    B. Cheap but comfortable.
C. Cheap but disappointing.    D. Expensive but convenient.
5. What do we know about the hotel?
A It has a big free parking lot.
B. Most reviewers consider it excellent.
C. It’s close to the underground station.
D. Its workers are not good at speaking English.
When I was in high school, what my friends thought of me was really important to me. I grew much taller than most of my classmates, but being so tall made me uncomfortable. In order to keep the focus (焦点) off me, I went along with the crowd who often played jokes on other kids at school. Being one of them gave me away to make sure that the jokes were directed at others, not me.
Once, I played a trick on a kid. Not only was he terribly embarrassed, but he also had to g
o to the school hospital.I thought it was going to be funny, but in fact no one thought it was.When my parents learned about this, they talked to me about “The Golden Rule  ▲ ”: And I was punished for the hurtful way I had treated others.
“Be a leader who is a good example to others. If you want others to look up to you, give them a good reason to do so,” said Dad. He told me over and over again to be the leader that I was meant to be—to be a big man in my heart and actions, as well as in my body. Dad then taught me to set goals and to do my best at everything I decided to do. Finally, I made the school basketball team. And you may have heard of me. I’m Shaquille O’Neal, one of the tallest and heaviest players in the history of the NBA.
6. Why did O’Neal join the “bad” crowd?
A. Because nobody told him that it was not good.
B. Because he wanted to catch his classmates’ attention.
C. Because he could get huge pleasure by being one of them.
D. Because he was afraid others might make fun of his height.
7. What did people think of the trick?
A. Funny.    B. Hurtful.    C. Right.    D. Relaxing.
8. Which of the following can be put in ▲  ?A. It is when we hurt that we learn.
B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
C. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
D. Sometimes we must lose ourselves to find ourselves.
9. What can we learn from the passage?
A. O’Neal has never regretted the trick.
神农架自驾游住宿攻略B. At first, O’Neal didn’t want to take his father’s advice.
C. O’Neal has succeeded in setting a good example to others.
D. O’Neal’s parents were so disappointed that they gave upon him.
10. What’s the best title for the passage?
温州人才网A. A good reason to look up
B. Never play jokes on others
C. How to keep the focus off you
D. Being tall makes me feel good
Acupuncture is known as “zhenjiu” in Chinese. Growing up, I’d always considered it out of date. As we know, acupuncture treatment lasts a long period and causes a lot of pain. Sometimes simply taking a pill can treat the same illness. But my experience made me change my mind.
Last month, I slept through a flight from London to Beijing. When I woke up, I found that I could no longer move my right arm and fingers. There was no pain. My arm simply didn’t follow my brain’s instructions to move, as if it was no longer mine.
One doctor said he could do nothing but give me some pills. “Rest for two months first and come back for an examination.” I felt great fear.

本文发布于:2023-06-07 13:35:54,感谢您对本站的认可!



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