乘出租车 :从上海虹桥机场或浦东机场乘出租车前往安亭镇,然后

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By taxi: From Shanghai Hongqiao Airport or Pudong Airport, take a taxi to Anting. Follow the map below for driving route. It takes approximately 1 hour from Hongqiao Airport to Chenfeng, or 2 hours from
Pudong Airport.
技校十大吃香专业乘地铁:  从上海虹桥机场或浦东机场乘地铁2号线至江苏路站,换乘地铁11号线至安亭站(终点站),然后可乘出租车至晨风。
运城最新通知By metro:  From Shanghai Hongqiao Airport or Pudong Airport, take metro Line 2 to the station Jiangsu Road, transfer to Metro Line 11 to the terminal station Anting, then easily take a taxi to Chenfeng.
乘火车: 从昆山火车站乘出租车前往安亭镇,然后参考下列路线图。
By train: After arriving at Kunshan Railway Station, take a taxi to Anting. Follow the map below for driving route.
龙凤山庄门票多少钱By car: Drive from Shanghai to Anting, then follow the map below for driving route.寒山寺攻略

本文发布于:2023-06-09 05:36:13,感谢您对本站的认可!



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