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雅安市论文:雅安市 烈士陵园 现状调查 巴彦淖尔市人才信息网保护与发展
【英文摘要】With a developed tourism and strong cultural atmosphere, Yaan attracts a lot of visitors. As a part of the tourism, we can promote the humanistic education and the red tourism development with the investigation, collection, analysis and study of its present situation, and it has an important significance to the development of Yaan in the future.Through the collection and collation of each cemeterys background information, the investigation and analysis of their geographical location, terrain, scale, surroundings,attribute,architecture and attendant facilities, plant configuration, water, steles, roads and regional cultural, we can conclude the unique style of martyr cemetery in Yaan, extract the traditional culture with protection value and its practical significance, and then propose the protection and development suggestions respectively on local culture, policies, planning and design methods and the application of innovation concept.This article elaborates and analyzes the historical causes and regional characteristics of the martyr cemetery comprehensively, and then investigates the surroundings, internal elements, management and other aspects of each cemetery, and summarizes the hill cemeterys characteristics and its unique style gradually. Based on th
e sufficient comprehension and evaluation of the martyr cemetery呼和浩特旅游景点攻略郴州东江湖一日游攻略s cultural background, site condition, management etc, this paper points out various problems appeared in the protection and development process. Then, the basis of the hill cemeterys uniqueness and protection value is analyzed. And at last, with the lessons from other excellent martyr cemeteries, it comes up with strategies and methods with general applicability to develop and protect martyr cemeteries.

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标签:进行   烈士陵园   雅安市
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