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Employers are not accustomed to our consistent modesty. With a positive motivation, doing things can be full of passion and motivation, thinking can be more active.
2, a solid grasp of business skills: business knowledge is like building a brick, is to lay a solid foundation of the tower. If the professional skills do not pass the candidates, even if the front was, when it will expose the professional inspection. In recent years, the accounting profession has been a relatively popular employment professional in New Zealand, and its professional talents are also relatively scarce. Why is this? This is because many students think that professional migration points, and China parents and students love the business, so many students do not understand accounting what, if they are interested in or whether or not qualified or good accounting course under the condition of blindly choose it, to the final part of students is not ideal graduated or halfway turned professional. Such a level to apply for, certainly no advantages, but also very easy to be eliminated by the market.
3, excellent communication skills: the first problem abroad is language conversion. In another country, mastering the local official language is fundamental. Any activity, including learning and life, work, can 伊春旅游景点大全排名
not avoid the communication of language. If you don't communicate enough or lack communication skills and abilities, you will not be able to sell yourself well, and you can't let others know your talent. The language barrier is a major event, to improve and strengthen their language
ability of each student, and the IELTS examination exam, many students IELTS score is good, but to go abroad or encounter problems on the communication and exchange, language proficiency has not improved to the necessary level, so to from the application ability simply to improve. In the candidates, with excellent language skills, plus communication skills, you can and recruitment of very skilled to recommend themselves.
4, consciously cultivate themselves into comprehensive talent: This is also related to the choice of study abroad programs, try to choose dual master degree courses, but not any two courses have dual master, so have the right to choose their own. In this way, students can become multi-faceted talents, have great advantages for future job search, starting point is not the same.

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