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(记叙文,487words,摘自The Washington Post)
天津水上公园简介It was the final climb on his quest to reach the highest summit on all seven continents.When Christopher Kulish finally reached Mount Everest’s29,035-foot peak,he joined an elite group known as the “Seven Summits Club”.But the62-year-old Colorado attorney died suddenly Monday after returning to the first camp below the mountain’s summit.He’s the second American to die in the past week after reaching Everest’s highest point.His family believes the cause was a heart attack,according to the Denver Post.“He saw his last sunrise from the highest peak on Earth,”his brother,Mark Kulish,said in a statement to the Denver Post.“We are heartbroken at this news.”
Last week,55-year-old Donald Lynn Cash of Utah collapsed and died just after reaching the Everest pe
ak.He too had reached the highest point on all seven continents.Including Christopher and Cash, at least11people have died on Mount Everest this year.
The deaths come among reports of overcrowding on the popular mountain.The Nepali government granted a total of381permits to climb Everest this year,a number that doesn’t include guides who are on the mountain as well.For some climbers,that traffic has meant longer wait times—some told the Himalayan Times the wait has exceeded two hours between the last camp and the peak.Mountaineer Vanessa O’Brien,who has also climbed the seven summits,said when there’s a crowd,being a more experienced climber won’t help you.“It doesn’t matter if you’re the best racecar driver in the world.If you’re stuck in traffic,you’re stuck in traffic,”she said in an interview.
And when a climber is stuck in that traffic,“their body is starting to deteriorate.”O’Brien,who set a record as the fastest woman to
reach the highest peak on every continent,also said the descent is often harder than the climb.
Climbing expert Alan Arnette said there’s no simple explanation for the string of deaths.He said weather that has led to a shorter climbing season is one factor causing overcrowding.He also said the cost to climb Mount Everest has decreased,which means more people are making the journey.H
e urged the governments in charge of granting permits to limit how many people can be on the mountain at once.
Still,Christopher was no beginner.His family said he’d been mountain climbing for five decades.He arrived at the base camp nearly two months before his climb so he could give himself time to adapt to the conditions.When he made his journey,his family said he was climbing with a small group in almost ideal conditions after some of the overcrowding had cleared.
His brother described being a lawyer as a“day job”for Christopher. Climbing was his passion.“He was an inveterate climber of peaks in Colorado,the West and the world over,”Mark Kulish said.“He passed away doing what he loved.”
1.What do we know about Christopher?
A.He has reached the highest point on all seven continents.
B.He joined the“Seven Summits Club”at the base camp.
C.11people following him died after reaching the Everest peak this year.
D.He died from a heart attack below the mountain’s summit.
2.What made longer wait times on Mount Everest?
A.Lacking guides.
C.Bad weather.
D.Getting government’s permission.
3.What might cause the string of deaths according to Alan Arnette?
a.The less cost attracting more climbers.
b.The more climbers worsening the environment.
c.More permits granted by the government.
d.The governments limiting the climber’s number.
e.The weather leading to a shorter climbing season.
4.Why did Christopher arrive at the base camp so early before climbing?
A.To wait for his friends.
B.To learn about the mountain.
C.To clear the traffic jam.
达州一日游必去景点推荐D.To adapt to conditions earlier.
5.What does the underlined word“inveterate”in the last paragraph probably mean?
1.summit n.最高点;顶点;山顶;(政府间的)首脑会议;峰会
This path leads to the summit.这条路通往山顶。
The two presidents agreed to hold a summit.两位总统商定举行一次首脑会议。
2.according to据……所说;按……所报道;依照,按照,根据
The bank finally granted a£50,000loan to me.银行终于同意给我贷款50,000英镑。
Its research budget exceeds$100million a year.其研究预算每年超过1亿美元。
The tough mountaineer succeeded in getting to the top of the mountain.那位强壮的登山运动员胜利地登上了山顶。
6.set a record打破纪录
7.deteriorate v.变坏;恶化;退化
The discussion quickly deteriorated into an angry argument.这场讨论迅速演变成愤怒的争吵。
8.descent n.下降;斜坡
The descent to Base Camp took about three days.往下走到大本营大约要三天时间。
9.lead to导致,造成(后果)
Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.摄入过多的糖会引起健康问题。
10.in charge of负责;主管
桂林阳朔天气预报15天准确An experienced worker is in charge of this project.一位有经验的工人负责这项工作。
11.inveterate adj.积习难改的;有……瘾的
He is an inveterate liar.他是个积习难改的骗子。
The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry.交通堵塞问题不会很快消失。
13.pass away去世
He unfortunately passed away last year.他不幸于去年去世了。
1.Seven Summits Club七峰俱乐部,由登上世界七大洲(亚洲、欧洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲和南极洲)最高峰的登山者组成。
2.Mount Everest珠穆朗玛峰(俗称珠峰)是喜马拉雅山脉的主峰,也是世界海拔最高的山峰,位于中国与尼泊尔边境线上。珠穆朗玛峰有两种高度:登山者登上的是总体高度,尼泊尔等国采用的雪盖高(总高)是8848米,2005年中国国家测绘局测量的岩面高(裸高即地质高度)为8844.43米,2010年起承认两种高度的测量数据。

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