一轮复习人教版必修三Unit 5Canada — “The True North”单元学案(42页word解析版)

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2019届一轮复习人教版必修三Unit 5Canada — “The True North”单元学案
1.multicultural adj.        多种文化的
2.polar adj.      极地的||;近极地的
3.penguin n.      企鹅
4.minister n.      大臣||;部长
5.prime minister      首相||;丞相
6.harbour n.(=harbor)      海港
7.eagle n.     
8.acre n.    英亩                         
9.urban adj河南省郑州市天气.          城市的||;市镇的
10.bush n.      灌木(丛)||;矮树(丛)
11.maple n.      ||;枫树海滨浴场
12.frost n.      ||;霜冻
13.mist n.      薄雾
14.misty adj.      有薄雾的||;模糊的
15.booth n.      公用电话间||;货摊||;售货亭
16.buffet n.      自助餐||;饮食柜台                         
1.quiz n.            测验||;问答比赛
2.continent n.      洲||;大陆
3.baggage n.      行李
4.chat vi.& n.      聊天||;闲聊
5.scenery n.      景||;风景
6.eastward adv.      向东
adj.      向东的||;朝东的                         
7.westward adv.        向西
adj.      向西的||;朝西的
8.upward adv.      向上地||;上升地
adj.      上升的||;向上的
9.surround vt.      包围||;围绕
10.measure vi.& vt.      测量||;衡量||;判定
n.      计量制||;计量单位||;措施
11.aboard prep.& adv.      在(船、飞机、火车或公共汽
12.within prep.        在……之内
13.border n.      边界||;国界||;边沿
vt.& vi.      与……接壤||;接近
14.slight adj.      轻微的||;微小的
15.slightly adv.      稍稍||;轻微地
16.topic n.      话题
17.mix vt.& vi.      混合||;调配
18.mixture n.    混合(物)||;混合状态                         
19.confirm vt.        证实||;证明||;批准
20.wealthy adj.      富有的
21.distance n.      距离||;远方
22.schoolmate n.      同学||;校友
23.downtown adj.      市区的
adv.      在市区||;往市区
24.approximately adv.      接近||;大约
25.dawn n.      黎明||;拂晓||;破晓                         
26.broad adj.          宽阔的||;广泛的
27.nearby adv.      在附近
adj.      附近的||;邻近的
28.tradition n.      传统||;风俗
29.terrify vt.      使恐怖||;恐吓
30.terrified adj.      恐惧的||;受惊吓的
31.pleased adj.      欣喜的||;高兴的||;愉快的 
32.impress vt.        使印象深刻||;使铭记
33.impressive adj.      给人深刻印象的||;感人的
34.rather_than      与其||;不愿
35.settle_down      定居||;平静下来||;专心于
36.manage_to_do      设法做
37.catch_sight_of      看见||;瞥见
38.have_a_gift_for      有……天赋
39.in_the_distance教育网      在远处                         
1.multicultural adj. 多种文化的
2.penguin n企鹅
3.minister n大臣||;部长
4.eagle n
5.urban adj城市的||;市镇的
6.buffet n自助餐||;饮食柜台
1.quiz n.    测验||;问答比赛
2.within prep.  在……之内
3.border n.  边界||;国界||;边沿
vt.& vi.  与……接壤||;接近
4.topic n.  话题
5.downtown adj.  市区的
adv.  在市区||;往市区
6.approximately adv.接近||;大约
7.dawn n.  黎明||;拂晓||;破晓
8.broad adj.  宽阔的||;广泛的
9.nearby adv.  在附近
adj.  附近的||;邻近的
10.continent n.  洲||;大陆
1.When it comes to wedding_traditions (风俗)||, there are differences between the West and the East.
2.At present the local government is taking measures (措施) to reduce the pollution.
3.He likes chatting (聊天) about the things with his friends on the Internet.
4.Passengers checked their baggage (行李) before boarding the plane.
5.Everyone was absorbed with the beautiful scenery (风景).
6.My younger brother will confirm (证实) what I have told you.
7.The flight with 145 passengers aboard (上飞机) from Tokyo landed on the airport in Beijing yesterday.
8.I am pleased (高兴的) to have this chance today to talk to you about the Chinese culture.
1.surround vt.包围||;围绕→surroundings n.(复数)周围的事物||;环境→surrounding 福建大学排名adj.周围的
2.slight adj.轻微的||;微小的→slightly adv.稍稍||;轻微地
3.mix vt.& vi.混合||;调配→mixture n.混合(物)||;混合状态
4.wealthy adj.富有的→wealth n.财富
5.distance n.距离||;远方→distant adj.遥远的||;远方的
6.terrify vt.使恐怖||;恐吓→terrified adj.恐惧的||;受惊吓的→terror n.恐惧→terrifying adj.极其可怕的
7.impress vt.使印象深刻||;使铭记→impressive adj.给人深刻印象的||;感人的→impression n.印象
1.When they saw the terrifying scene||, everyone on the spot felt terrified and couldn't say a word.(terrify)
2.So charming are the sights of Jiuzhaigou that they leave a deep impression on visitors from home and abroad. To tell you the truth||, I am deeply impressed by its beautiful scenery.(impress)
3. As a famous pop star||, he loves being surrounded by so many fans coming to visit him from the surrounding cities. And he also likes beautiful surroundings with green trees and flowers.(surround)
4.Though there is a long distance between Tom and his family||, they don't feel distant.(distance)
①wealth→wealthy  富有的
②thirst→thirsty  渴的||;渴望的
③taste→tasty  美味的
④sleep→sleepy  困的
⑤guilt→guilty  内疚的||;有罪的
⑥health→healthy  健康的
①chat vi.& n.  聊天||;闲聊
②whisper vi.  小声说||;耳语
③inform vt.  通知||;告知
④announce vt.  宣告||;宣布
⑤declare vt.  宣布||;声明
⑥state vt.  声明||;陈述
①terrifying  极其可怕的||;吓人的
②frightening  吓人的||;可怕的
③alarming  令人惊恐的
④awful  可怕的||;惊人的
⑤horrible  恐怖的
⑥terrible  可怕的
先 写 对
再 用 准
1.rather_than     与其||;不愿
2.have_a_gift_for  有……天赋
3.at_dawn  在黎明||;在拂晓
4.be_impressed_with_...  给……留下深刻印象
5.dream_about/of  梦想……
6.in_the_distance  在远处
  Wang Lin ①had_a_gift_for music and ②dreamed_about/of becoming a musician. He practised playing the piano day and night. Fortunately||, he was offered a chance to go to America to put on a performance. He decided to take a plane ③rather_than a ship. He arrived in New York ④at_dawn and ⑤was_impressed_with_ the high buildings and broad streets.
1.settle_down     定居||;平静下来||;专心于
2.be_surrounded_by/with  被……包围
3.manage_to_do_  设法做
4.as_far_as  远到||;直到澳洲八大名校商科最新排名||;至于
5.in_charge_of_  负责
6.catch_sight_of  看见||;瞥见
  I would travel to Australia||, which is not only a traveling paradise for tourists but also a perfect place to ①settle_down. Last summer||, my parents and I ②managed_to travel around Australia||, where we ③caught_sight_of_the road ④surrounded_by/with green trees all the way. I think we should also take effective measures to make our country more beautiful.

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