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Changbai mountain tourism development present situation and countermeasure
As the current people's consumption idea transformation, to travel with a deeper understanding and needs, consumers begin to travel to relax nervous rhythm of life, slow down, have atmosphere forms of cultural tourism will be the highlight of tourism activities of choice. Especially obvious geographical characteristics, ethnic customs unique cultural tourism products began to attract a large number of tourists. Changbai mountain, has a long history and rich culture, cultural level is high, the quantity, the distinctive tourism resources advantage, such as its development potential can affect the country, focus on the development of cultural resources are: manchu, Korean folk custom, etc., for the booming cultural tourism market with distinctive features of changbai mountain tourism brand. This article adopts the method of literature research, theoretical comparison, summed up the new definition of cultural tourism, the basic theoretical knowledge such as species. And then based on the analysis of changbai mountain changbai mountain tourism development and cultural tourism dev
elopment in the process of application of related theory, in the changbai mountain tourism has carried on the induction, sorting, analysis,
relevant information, sorting out the recent period of time the basic situation of changbai mountain tourism development, combining with the development of changbai mountain tourism advantage and related theory to the actual analysis, find out some of the problems faced in the changbai mountain tourism development at present, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures for reference.
Key words:
Changbai mountain,;cultural tourism;development and countermeasures
摘要......................................................................................................I ABSTRACT .............................................................................................II 绪论 (1)
一、相关理论概述 (1)
(一)文化旅游的概念 (1)
(二)文化旅游和旅游文化的区别 (2)
(三)文化旅游的特征 (2)
(四)文化旅游的种类 (3)
韩国巴厘岛二、长白山文化旅游发展现状 (4)
(一)长白山文化旅游资源评价 (4)
青岛八大关步行攻略(二)长白山文化资源类别 (4)
云南大理旅游团报价(三)长白山旅游业发展现状 (7)珠海长隆海洋王国预约
三、长白山文化旅游发展存在的问题 (7)
(一)发展文化旅游的思路不清晰 (7)
(二)与当地民族文化结合不完全 (10)
(三)民俗文化旅游商品和纪念品开发力不够 (4)
(四)从业人员素质不足 (4)
四、长白山文化旅游发展对策 (5)
(一)理清发展文化旅游的宏观思路 (6)
(二)加强与当地民族文化特结合 (6)
(三)加强民族文化旅游产品开发 (6)百度团购
(四)加大宣传力度 (7)
(五)加强相关人才的引进 (6)
结论 (11)
参考文献 (12)
附录 (13)
后记 (14)

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标签:旅游   文化   长白山   发展
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