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Unit 2 Gender Roles
1. Enlarge students’ vocabulary relating to gender roles;
2. Let students have some idea of what have changed about gender roles;
3. Make students study the use of the subject complement;
4. Make students know how to write an advertisement for a job.
1.V ocabulary: (omitted)
2.Speaking: discussing the changes in gender roles
3.Grammar: the subject complement
4.Practical writing: How to write an advertisement for a job
T eaching Procedures
Period 1 and Period 2
Step 1. Warm-up
Make a three-minute presentation in answer to either of the following question.
1.What is the role your father and mother play at home respectively?
2. Do you think that some day there will be no difference in gender roles? Why?
Step 2. Background Information
Nowadays, great changes have taken place in women’s social status and conditions. They have gained    a sense of self-respect, self-confidence and self-reliance and have started to participate in government and political affairs, as well as in scientific researches. Chinese women enjoy equal rights with men in all aspects of social and family life and have become a great force in the country’s social and economic development, making major contributions to the socialist economic construction. In this part we mainly talk about what is gender? difference between gender and sex, gender roles and social influence of gender。
Step 3. Vocabulary in T ext A
Ask Ss to read new words and expressions by themselves and then read the new words together. Explain the important points.
1. argue: v 争论;争辩
eg. Don’t argue with your father.
argument n.
< I have no wish to get into an argument with anyone.
2. familiar adj. 熟悉的;常见的
< The students are familiar with those roads.
familiarize vt. 使熟悉familiarity n.
phrase: be familiar with …对……熟悉
< No one in this new school is familiar with me.
3. gender n. 性;性别
gender 由词根gen(e) (=to poroduce 制造,生产,race种族) 和后缀der(=ter)构成,同根词还有:
gene n.
genus n.
genius n.
genuine adj.
< Traditional gender roles still influence a lot of people.
4. plenty n. 丰富,大量
phrase: (a) plenty of
Plenty of nutrients are found in vegetables.
plentiful adj. 大量的
5.figure v. 计算;认为n 数字;图标;外形;人物
< I’m just figuring my expenses.
I never figured that this would happen.
Can you read this figure? Is it a three or an eight?
These figures show the results of the experiment.
I saw a tall figure approaching in the darkness.
She is a well-known figure in that country’s history.
figure out 算出;想出
< We must figure out a way to solve the problem.
figure on 指望;依赖
< We figure on your coming early to help us.
6.puzzling adj. 令人疑惑的
< Some of the results of the experiments were puzzling to researchers.
puzzlingly adv. 令人迷惑地
puzzle v. 迷惑,困惑
puzzle n. 谜,难题
puzzlement n. 困境
puzzler n. 难题;使人困惑的人
7.partner n, 伙伴;搭档vt. 做……的伙伴vi. 做伙伴
partnership n. 合作关系
8.sphere n.球,球面;范围,领域
< Everyone has his special sphere. 每个人都有自己擅长的领域
He drew a map of the world on a sphere. 他在一个球面上画了一张世界地图。sphere由词根spher(=ball球,球状物)构成,常见的同根词有:
atmosphere n. (atmo-=vapor蒸气;gas空气)大气
hemisphere n. (hemi=half) 半球
spheroid n. (-oid=resembling像) 球体;回转扁球(体)
spherical adj. 球的,球形的,球面的
sphericity n. 球形,球体
routinely adv. 常规地
routineer n. 墨守成规者
routinism n. 墨守成规
routinize v. 使成常规
routinzation n. 使常规化
Useful Expressions
follow the old routine墨守成规
break the routine 打破常规
a routine report 例行报告
a routine treatment 常规疗法
10. crisis n. (crises pl.) 危机
< The country now faces a new economic crisis.
critical adj. 危急的;关键的
bring to a crisis 使事情发展到非做决定不可的地步,使紧迫,使危险
The matter has been brought to a crisis. 事情已到紧要关头。
11.divorce n., v. 离婚
< Did Mr. Hill divorce his wife or did she divorce him?
12.vice adj. 副职;代理的
vice-chairman 副主席vice-president 副总统vice-consul 副领事vice-minister 副部长vice-governor 副总督vice-principal副校长vice-premier 副总理
vice-manager 副经理vice-regent 副摄政vice-chancellor大学副校长,副大法官
13.load n. 负荷,负担
a bus load of tourists 满满一车游客
His success took a load off my mind.
vt. 装,装载装载,上客
He loaded the truck with the coal.
The ship is loading for Qingdao.
loaded adj. 有负荷的loading n. 装载
load n. 负荷,装载
He carries a heavy load on his shoulders他双肩背着重物。
burden n. 负担,重荷(比load重而艰巨)A heavy burden falls on his shoulders. Useful Expressions
loads of 大量的,许多的
loads of time 充裕的时间
the peak load 最大负载
Step4: Finish the exercises and check the answers
Ask students to complete vocabulary check (part B), word- matching exercise.
Period 3:
Step1: Review the new words
Ask students to do the exercise vocabulary check (part C)
Step2: Reading附近的休闲中心>河源论坛招聘网最新招聘
Language points:
惠来县属于哪个市1. hang up 挂电话
< He started shouting, so I hung up (on him).
hang by a hair千钧一发; 岌岌可危; 摇摇欲坠
hang up挂断电话;(使)搁住hang about 闲荡,徘徊,逗留
hang on 抓住不放hang on to 紧紧抓住,坚持下去
hang back 犹豫;踌躇;畏缩
2. help out 帮忙
< Can you help me out?
3. answer back 反驳;顶嘴
< No one dare answer back to my father in my family.
answer back反驳;顶嘴answer up 应对迅速
answer for 负责,保证answer for sb.’s honesty保证某人诚实
answer 作名词常常与to 搭配使用the answer to the question 问题的答案answerable adj. 可答复的
宝墨园景点介绍4.take on 承担
vt. 取,拿,吃,喝,服(药等)
a large take of fish 捕到的鱼很多
He always takes on extra responsibilities in the workplace
[辨] eat, drink, take和have
“服药”是take medicine而不是drink medicine

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