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Binhai Road starts from Ocean Melody Square from the east and ends by Xinghai Square in the west. From the Ocean Melody Square, passes through Bangchui Island until the Tiger Beach scenic zone is called Eastern part or north part. From Tiger Beach, passes through Fujia Viallage, Forest zoo until Xinghai Square is called western part or southern part.
Binhai Road scenery is mainly mountains and sea. It was constructed in 1970th. It was a road especially used for military before. Proposed by Deng Xiaoping, this road was developed to a tourist line. Now the whole road does not have public bus, because by most of the road, there are no people living there. However, at the important scenic spot, there are many buses you can take. In the cool spring and autumn season, it is best to go by walking. Sometimes, bicycle riding is not allowed considering the public security. You can choose the other route to ride such as Fujia Village. This is the best way to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
By the side of Binghai Road, there are many sculptures. They are as natural as though they are living. They give you the feeling that they are real. This is because they are made by the actual mould.
Binghai Road total length is 32 km. It has 12 main scenic spots. When the spring comes and flower blossoms, the road one side is mountain covered with mixed coniferous broad leaved forest and rhododendron neriiflorum, another side is wide sea and different poses rock islands. The Binhai Road south part is from Tiger Beach to Fujia Village, this part is the most famous and popular of Binghai Road. During this part, there are Beida Bridge(Lover Bridge), Bird’s Nest Ridge, Xiuyue Peak, etc.
Lover Bridge
Beida Bridge
Beida Bridge is located between Tiger Beach scenery and Bird’s Nest Ridge. This bridge is near the sea and stretches across the mountain. It is the most beautiful scenery during this road. The bridge total length is 230m, diameter is 132m, width 12m. The bridge car driving area width is 8m, main rope height is 13.2m
Bird’s Nest Ridge
Bird’s Nest Ridge is a theme park for wedding. It is located in the middle northern part of Binghai Road. Total area is 0.8 sq.km. The mountain direction is from east to the west, for
ming a 1km ridge. Because there are usually black swallows flying here, so we call it Bird’s Nest Ridge. This ridge is horizontal to the sea and faces the sea. There are ten meters of cliff straight into the sea. After rebuilding, it becomes the wedding theme park.
Coastal landform here is excellent. Scenery is also peculiar with quiet valleys. The ridge is covered by flowers and green grasses. As there are lots of ledges, it is also a good place for fishing.圆明园职业技术学院
Xiuyue Peak
Xiuyue Peak is located in the middle northern part of Binghai Road. It is close to Bird’s Nest Ridge. The north is residential area. It is 6km from the city center. The total area is 5.19 sq.km. There are 9 peaks that composite the hills mountain. The main peak is Xiuyue peak, height above sea level is 214.3m. If you climb up to the Xiuyue peak, you can overlook the sea and also get a general view of the whole city.
Fujia Village 
Passes through Xiuyue Peak scenery, you arrived Fujia Village. It is one of the top ten sceneries in Dalian. This area has unique natural scenery. East and west are high slope platform, the middle is wide beach. The east and west island look at each other across the sea. All these form this area with sea, mountain, reef and beach. There are lots of fine natural bathing beaches. The western part is Fujia Village park, there is 550m bathing beach which is one of the top four beaches in Dalian.
Bangchui Island
From Shanping street to Yingbin Road, arrives eastern part of Binghai Road. It is another scenery of Binghai Road, called Bangchui Island. The northen part stars from Bangchui Island to Tiger beach. This is the longest part of Binghai Road. On the way, you can see Bangchui island scenery, Shicao scenery and Tiger Beach.

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