theatres and entertainment精讲

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theatres and entertainment精讲
Drama has the nature of education from the perspective of word meaning,learning psychology,human culture,social development and the connotation of drama.Since ancient times,drama has often been used as a means of education.The theory of"teaching in fun"only generally expresses the educational nature of drama.As a matter of fact,it was only in the 1930s that drama was really applied to the educational system in an organized and systematic way.After it was included in the school curriculum in the United Kingdom,it gradually began to spread around the world.
From the literal meaning,drama[drama]
It is derived from the Greek drainein meaning"to do".Generally speaking,it refers to a work in poetry or prose,in which actors'performances,Sims and characters,or a story are arranged and expressed through actions and dialogues with actors.From a literal point of view,drama is a kind of"practical"process,which requires"people"to do.Basically,anyone can do it,but their daily activities,such as washing their faces,brushing their teeth,eating,going to
work or school,are not dramatic.Dramatic practice must meet the conditions of drama.It is to be done by actors to simulate the process of a certain period.Like children's games,after a simple agreement,they can immediately play a role in the situation.When the game is interrupted or terminated,they can immediately recover to themselves.This activity of playing a certain role is a dramatic practice.In the process of this kind of practice,learners have experienced some interpersonal relationships in life,and have no difficulty in distinguishing between self and non self roles.At the same time,they have also satisfied the development of personal imagination and learned some cognition and skills.Therefore,dramatic practice is the natural learning instinct of human beings,so it has the nature of education in the literal meaning of drama.
From the perspective of learning psychology and cognition
三亚湾房价As far as the psychology of learning is concerned,because drama presents a situation that seems to be true but not true,this kind of perception of false as true is determined by psychological factors.People who participate in drama activities think that it is true from th
e psychological point of view,and quickly start to"seriously"in attitude and behavior.Earnest is the best shortcut to study.Therefore,theatrical games are not limited by theatrical theories such as time,place,and the law of action.Instead,they are developed according to the real situation recognized by the psychology.When entering the theatrical situation,this kind of"serious"can make people who participate in the activities regard any space as the environment they need to express,can regard a prop as a real thing,and can treat others as a virtual character,Naturally,you can also transform yourself into a role in drama to carry out the process of drama development.This kind of fusion and discrimination between hypothesis and reality is human instinct;In the dramatic game,the things they know and feel in daily life are displayed in the hypothetical environment.Through the interaction with others,they can learn social skills such as dealing with each other's advancement and retreat,appreciating each other,participating in cooperation,and understanding others'feelings.It can be seen that dramatic games are learning activities that can follow the psychological development of human beings and enable participants to learn social skills through interaction with others.Therefore,drama is educational in psychology.
From the elements of drama connotation
Basically,drama is a kind of entertainment.When human's confidence increases with their own strength,similarly,some secular factors of theater and drama also develop professionally,and theater activities are separated from rituals that continue to specialize in religious purposes.Drama can provide entertainment and bring laughter.Even the most serious tragedy can bring people psychological happiness.In the fourth chapter of poetics,Aristotle pointed out that"narrative poems and tragedies,as well as dramas,Dionysus songs,and most of the harp and harp music,generally speaking,belong to the model of simulation.""Simulation has been human nature since childhood.This can be proved from experience.Some things seem painful,but we are happy to see them when they are expressed in the art."It can be seen that imitating people,things and actions,and watching people imitate will make people happy.However,there are thoughts and elements in the performance of any drama.Therefore,Aristotle pointed out in Chapter 6 of Poetics:
Every play contains scenes,characters,plots,grammar,rhymes and ideas.Thought is the ability to say what it can say,or to explain a situation.Self,on the other hand,is the expression of the author,which is used to prove or refute some special points,or declare common truths.
As long as a play is what people do,it has its purpose of transmitting ideas,so that the audience can accept his views while watching it.
The Roman poet Horace pointed out in the art of Poetry:
The poet's expectation is not only to make people benefit,but also to make people happy;Or it can make people happy and get what they need in life.No matter what the reason for pursuing entertainment is,there must be more events like truth to show.
长隆野生动物世界图片It can be seen that besides the purpose of entertainment,drama also contains the connotation of education,civilization enlightenment and beneficial to society.

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