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    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
It was 9:00 am already! Richard had to leave for work! Before leaving he hurriedly looked at the newspaper and stood still! Is he seeing it right? He rubbed his eyes and saw again… Yes, it was his name in the obituary(讣告)! He threw the paper in the bin and screamed.
Richard started to recollect. He remembered that last night when he went to bed he had a chest pain and he was rushed to hospital. Then he went into a sound sleep. But what happened after that?
He could suddenly see his living room filled with people… all in tears; his mom, his wife and his children. He also saw his best friend, the one he had a serious misunderstanding a few days back. He wanted to say “Sorry” to him… but now no one could hear his voice.
He wondered how he could tell his mom that he felt so thankful to have her in his life! He wanted to tell his children how much he loved them. He wanted to tell his wife how much he loved her; he felt sorry to have hurt her sometimes.
Richard started crying and pleading to God for one LAST chance! “God, one last chance, please”, shouted Richard and opened his eyes.
Oh, this was a dream!
He woke up; looked around everywhere. He was on his bed; his wife lay beside him, deep in sleep. Richard whispered in her ears, “You are the best thing to have ever happened to me!”
He went up to the window, looking outside. Yes, everything was just the way he has been knowing so long. He decided to meet up his friends and clear all misunderstandings; he also decided to tell everyone who mattered to him all that has remained unsaid so far!
56. When Richard saw his name 姆巴佩颁奖遭8万人狂嘘in the newspaper, he felt _________.
  A. sad                    B. shocked            C. regretful            D. worried
57. Richard felt sorry to his wife because _________.
  A. they had a quarrel the other day                B. he misunderstood her
  C. he hurt her sometimes                        D. he didnt love her
58. After the dream, Richard would probably _________.
  A. be on good terms with his friend again           
B. express appreciation and thanks to his friend
  C. demand an apology from his friend           
D. break up with his friend
59. The writer of the story mainly tells us that _________.
  A. misunderstanding between friends is common
B. we need to see a doctor when having a chest pain
  C. getting along well with friends is important
  D. we should tell our family how much we love them
【参考答案】56~59 BCAD 
Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and Exhibition Tour
Shakespeare's Globe Exhibition is the world's largest exhibition devoted to Shakespeare. Located beneath the reconstructed Globe Theatre on London's Bankside, the exhibition explores the remarkable story of the Globe, and brings Shakespeare's world to life using a range of interactive displays and live demonstrations.
Tour the reconstructed Globe Theatre and see how plays were staged in Shakespeare's day
All-day access to the interactive Globe Exhibition
Actors, recordings and interactive displays bring Shakespeare's world to life
April 23 to October 9
9:00am to 5:00pm. On Monday, tours run all day. Tuesday to Saturday, last tour departs at 12:30pm and at 11:30am on Sunday due to performances taking place on these days.
October 10 to March 31
10:00am to 5:00pm.
Important note: Rehearsals(排练) will also take place throughout the Theatre Season. Please note that access to the Globe Theatre may be restricted and there may be occasions when the Globe tours are unable to run. When the Globe tours are not available, Rose or Bankside tours can be offered instead.
Additional info
Inclusions:  Entrance fee and all day access to Exhibition
Guided tour of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre (maximum 50 people)
Exclusions(不包含项目):  Hotel pickup and drop off
Food and drinks, unless specified
Click the link below to check pricing & availability on your preferred travel date. Our pricing is constantly updated to ensure you always receive the lowest price possible - we 100% guarantee it. 
江西今天发生的重大新闻事件Theatre Tour and Exhibition
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Tour and Exhibition沈阳市内一日游景点
Theatre Tour and Afternoon Tea
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Tour and Exhibition plus Afternoon Tea at 3:00pm in the Swan Brasserie or Bar.
60. The passage can be found ___________.
  A. in a newspaper        B. in a magazine        C. on the Internet        D. in a guidebook
61. In this Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Tour, we can _________.康巴什旅游区18个景点

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