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The second period(第二课时)
Part A Let’s learn & Look, say and complete
Lets learn
能够听、说、读、写mine, yours, his,  hers, theirs, ours六个名词性物主代词
Look, say
and complete
操练和巩固Lets learn板块的形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词
能够听、说、读、写mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours六个名词性物主代词并能够在语境中正确运用这六个单词。
Teaching purpose
以观看不同种类小狗图片,吸引学生注意力,引出话题“dog show”。学生自由表达喜欢谁的小狗,为授新做好准备。
Step 1: Warm—up &Lead-in
1. Greetings.
2。 Enjoy a dog show.
Show some pictures about cute dogs on the PPT。 Let students look at and talk about them. (课件出示:可爱狗狗图片集合)
T: What a great dog show! Class, do you like the dog show?
Ss: Yes。 The dogs are very cute!
3。 Lead—in。
T: Today we have a dog show。 Welcome to the dog show! Look! Whose dogs are these on the show? (课件出示:Let's learn五幅图片并依次标上A—E)
The teacher leads students to make a summary that whose dogs they are.
T: I like dog A. It’s Mike’s dog。 Which dog do you like best?
S1: I like dog B。 It’s Chen Jie’s.
The teacher asks and students answer one after another until finishing all the five pictures。
Teaching purpose
充分利用课文提供的情景图,分别引出his, hers, theirs, ours, yours以及mine,并帮助学生理解“It’s _____ dog=The dog is_____ .”。在教学过程中,注意从“提供支架”到“去支架”。
Step 2: Presentation
1. Let’s learn.
(1)Learn the word “his".

T: Look! Whose dog is it?
(Write down the sentence “Whose dog is it?" on the blackboard.)
Ss: It's Mike’ dog.
T: Great! It’s Mike’ dog。 It’s his dog。 The dog is his. “It’s his dog。” means “The dog is his。”
Students read “his” and the sentences “It’s his dog. The dog is his。” after the teacher。
(2)Learn the word “hers”.
(课件出示:Chen Jie的狗 )
T: Look! Whose dog is it? Is it Mike’s?
Ss: No, it’s Chen Jie's dog.
(课件出示:Chen Jie和狗)
T: Great! It's Chen Jie’s dog. It’s her dog. The dog is hers。 “It's her dog。” means “The dog is hers."
Students read “hers” and the sentences “It's her dog。 The dog is hers。" after the teacher。
(3)Learn the word “theirs".
(课件出示:Let\'s learn两人的狗)
T: Look! Whose dog is it? Is it Chen Jies?
Ss: No, it’s their dog.
T: Great! It’s their dog。 “It’s their dog。” means…
Ss: The dog is theirs.
T: Wonderful! Let's read together。
Students read “theirs” and the sentences “It's their dog。 The dog is theirs。” after the teacher.
西溪湿地门票(4)Learn the word ours.
(课件出示:Let's learn两人和狗)
T: Look! What are they saying? Can you guess?
Ss: They are saying, “It's our dog. The dog is ours."
T: Great! Read after me: It’s our dog. The dog is ours.
Students read “ours” and the sentences “It's our dog. The dog is ours.” after the teacher.
(5)Learn the word “yours”.
T: (wear the headwear of Zoom) I’m Zoom now. You are Zip. Let’s make a dialogue.
T: Look! That长春美食攻略去哪吃’s my dog。
Ss: Yes, it's your dog。
T: “It’s your dog。" means…
Ss: The dog is yours.

Students read “yours” and the sentences “It’s your dog。 The dog is yours。" after the teacher.
(6)Learn the word “mine”.
T: Look! Whose dog is it?
Ss: It’s Zip’s dog.
T: (show the headwear of Zip) Now, you are Zip。 Zip, whose dog is it?
Ss: It’s my dog。
T: “It’s my dog.” means…
Ss: The dog is mine.
Students read “mine” and the sentences “It’s my dog。 The dog is mine.” after the teacher。
2。 Summary。
3. Chant.
T: Now, let's chant together!
Teaching purpose
设计琅琅上口的chant,让学生在韵律中加深印象。此chant 较长,教师可以采取男生问、女生答或女生问、男生答等形式展开,使学生积极参与进来。
4. Read and act.
(1)Students read after the recording of “Let’s learn”. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
Teaching purpose
(2)Students practise the dialogue in groups. Then act out.

本文发布于:2023-07-23 07:31:26,感谢您对本站的认可!



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