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1.景区概况【参考用时:30 s】
淀山湖风景区自驾游Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding is one of The State 5A-Level Scenery, and is the best destination to know the giant pandas. Here we can closely observe pandas, how they rest, eat and play with each other. Also, we can learn how to feed them, even we can watch female pandas nursing their cubs【幼兽】, which can awake our awareness of protecting these beautiful but endangered creatures.
2.景点介绍【参考用时:5 min】
【趣事1】Now we are at the Adult Panda Region. Look, there are some giant pandas. Some of them are walking towards the fresh bamboo, and maybe they are hungry and want to eat bamboo for their meals. What a funny thing is that pandas are real foodies and these animals are always hungry. We all know they love to eat bamboo, but what most people do not know is how much bamboo one giant panda has one day. 5kg, 8, 10? Actually, an adult panda can digest nearly 17kg of bamboo stems or 14 kg of bamboo leaves during one day. Sometimes, one panda may also eat bamboo shoots and 40 kg of bamboo shoots can satisfy one panda one day. Wow, that's quite a huge amount, right?
【趣事2】Another interesting thing I must share with you all is that pandas are actually lazy mammals. Every giant panda almost spends 12-16 hours per day eating bamboo. You might want to know why pandas need to eat so much bamboo. That's because bamboo has very little nutritional value and pandas must eat a lot to meet their energy need. Besides, to reduce their energy consumption, pandas spend about 10 hours on sleeping every day and spend the rest of part, which is really tiny, on exercising or playing with other pandas. That's the main reason that most of them look fat.【趣事3】Everybody, here comes a confusing question, are giant pandas herbivores【食草动物】? I know this question is a little tricky and some of you may think they are. But actually they are really not. Although they depend so much on bamboo and only about 1% of their diet is from other food, Giant pandas are members of the bear family, which means they have the same digestive structure of carnivores【食肉动物】. To some degree, this is an abnormal phenomenon of evolution. They are descendant of meat-loving carnivores. In other words, their digestive tract is built to break down meat and is inadequate to break down bamboo. As a result, pandas can only get small amount of nutrition from bamboo. That’s another reason why giant pandas have to eat so much bamboo.
去北海道旅游要多少钱Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have learned why giant pandas need to eat a lot of bamboo in their d
aily life. Next, I'm going to show you how female pandas feed their cubs. Please follow me. We will move to the next site, the giant panda nursing facilities. Thanks上海旅游地图

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