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1.Our National Day is on    first day in    October.
A.a; the    B.the; a    C.the;  不填    D.a; 不填
2.Jane is very thirsty, so she needs some    .
A.water    B.bread    C.cakes    D.rice
3.It's very important        us to make a plan before a new term begins
A.of    B.with    C.by    D.for
4.You’d better take the map with you ________ you won’t get lost.
A.as long as    B.as soon as    C.now that    D.so that
5.Does the dish taste as    as it looks?
A.well    B.best    C.good    D.better
6.Betty is often seen    the lonely old man with his housework.
A.to help    B.helping    C.helps    D.helped
7.Bill, stop smoking,    you’ll get better soon.
A.but    B.after    C.or    D.and
8.—How many letters芜湖方特二期攻略    you    to your mother?
— 109 in all, since 2016.
A.has, written    B.have, written    C.did, write    D.are, writing
9.—    I take the magazine out of the reading room?
— I’m sorry you    .
A.Could; couldn’t    B.Must; couldn’t    C.Will; can’t    D.May; can’t
10.We should not go outside,    in such a terrible storm.
A.probably    B.especially    C.immediately    D.exactly
11.Tom won't go to bed until his father      back from work
A.will come    B.came    C.comes    D.come
12.Look! The light in your bedroom is still on
Sorry I forgot        .
A.to turn it off    B.to turn it down
C.to turn it up    D.to turn it on
13.—    is it from your school to the bus stop?
— It’s about 5 minutes’ walk.
A.How often    B.How long    C.How soon    D.How far
14.—Steven had nothing for breakfast this morning,       ?
—No. Because he had a fever.
A.hadn't he    B.had he    C.didn't he    D.did he
15.— Jesse, I really love your Chinese handwriting.
A.Thank you    B.Don’t say that
C.I don’t think so    D.You are welcome
16.We must keep off the forest fire if there is one It's dangerous to stay near it
A.catch up with    B.put off
C.keep up with    D.stay away from
17.We Chinese people are proud of the Great Wall
A.take pride in    B.take action on
C.take a look at    D.take part in
18.Dad I don't know how to repair my bike Could you give me a hand费城76人队
A.hand in    B.help me    C.find out    D.drive me
19.Do you know how to work out the difficult math problem
A.bring out    B.carry on    C.solve    D.do with
20.The doctor told me to give up smoking
A.give in    B.give away    C.practice    D.stop
One day, when the Lion was asleep at noon, the little Mouse came running by. He was in  a___21___to get home. Because the Mouse didn’t see the Lion, he ran___22___ the Lion’s nose.  The Lion opened his eyes, shouting “I’m going to eat you! You ____23____  me up!” “Dear Lion, please do not eat me! I shall _____24_____ do it again and I shall never forget your kindness. Maybe someday I will____25____you back!” The Lion was _
_____26______ the idea of the Mouse. Then he said, “I think I will let you go. I am not _____27_____ anyway.” The little Mouse was so happy! He ran ______28______ to his home. A few days later, the Lion ______29______      into a net ( ) by accident. The Lion shouted, trying to get free. Just then, the little Mouse happened to pass by. “I will help you, dear Lion.” The little Mouse cut the net with his little teeth.  It _____30_____  him a long  time. At last, the Lion was free! The Lion and the Mouse became best friends. The Lion said, “A little friend can be the best friend of all!”
21.A.way    B.need    C.hurry    D.order
22.A.right into    B.right now    C.right away    D.right through
23.A.hit    B.put    C.bring    D.woke
24.A.always    B.often    C.never    D.seldom
25.A.see    B.meet    C.give    D.help
26.A.careful of    B.pleased by    C.angry with    D.sorry for
27.A.hungry    B.tired    C.thirsty    D.terrible
28.A.through    B.from    C.off    D.for
29.A.was dropped    B.fell    C.felt    D.fallen
30.A.spent    B.took    C.costs    D.paid
Students’ Training Center
Time: Mon., Thurs. & Fri. 8:00 am - 10: 00 am
Room: 305 Teacher: Mr. Li Tel: 68882305
Time: Mon., Thurs. & Sun. 8:00 am - 10:00 am昆明市区旅游攻略景点大全
Room: 406 Teacher: Miss Deng
Tel: 68882406
Time: Tues., Wed. & Fri. 8:00 am - 10:00 am
八达岭长城开放时间及门票价格2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Room: 608 Teacher: Mr. Hu Tel: 68882608
Time: Thurs., Sat.& Sun. 8:00 am - 10:00 am3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
P1ace: Swimming pool
Teachers: Miss Zhang & Mr. Song
Tel: 68882102
31.If Xiao Ming wants to learn how to use a computer, he can call the number    .A.68882305    B.68882608    C.68882406    D.68882102
32.Da Bao wants to learn drawing, then he must go to    .
A.Room 305    B.Room 406    C.Room 608    D.Room 604
33.If you are free on Thursday afternoon, you can go to learn    .
A.English    B.drawing    C.swimming    D.Computer
34.What time is Students’ Training Center open every day?
A.8:00 am - 10:00 am.    B.2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
C.8:00 am - 5:00 pm.    D.3:00 am - 5:00pm.
35.Which of the following is right?
A.Miss Deng and Mr. Zhang can teach you drawing.
B.Mr. Li and Miss Zhang can teach you English.
C.Miss Zhang and Mr. Hu can teach you how to swim.
D.Mr. Hu can teach you how to use a computer.
Robert was a boy of eight years old. One day, when he was doing cleaning at home, he thought he should move the box out of the house. The box made of wood was very heavy. And it was much bigger than him. He tried, but he could not move it. After resting for a short time, the boy started once more, but failed again. He couldn’t even move it a bit. He felt very tired and hopeless.

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