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The city of Ink stone, Zhaoqing
Ladies and Gentlemen, i t’s my great honor to have a choice and give you a brief introduction of my hometown, Zhaoqing. Every one knows Gzuangdong province, but only a little knows there has a city named Zhaoqing. Actually Zhaoqing is more developed than before. So today I will show you around my beatuful hometown.
Well, to start with, I will show you some pictures about my hometown. There is musical fountain, the night scene, the memorial arch and so on. After looked these pictures, I assured that you were curious of my hometown.
The overview of Zhaoqing:
Zhaoqing city is located in the mid-west of Guangdong province. Its total area is 15000 square kilometers,and the population is 405 million people. It has a subtropical climate. Zhaoqing city is 100 kilometers from Guangzhou, more than 200 kilometers away from Shenzhen, 180 kilometers from Macau. It has a convenient transportation. Zhaoqing city is known to its ink stone. All of us speak Cantonese.
Zhaoqing is the Lingnan famous County where has a long history, and it is a birthplace of indigenous culture of Lingnan. Actually, it named Duanzhou, but last a King named it Zhaoqing Fu, then it named Zhaoqing till now. Zhaoqing has a brilliant history and culture. And it had been a political, economic and cultural center. Zhaoqing Xijiang River has always been the political center. Obviously, Zhaoqing is an excellent tourist history city, which has 1000 years tourism history.成都周边旅游攻略一日游
From the foregoing, you must know more about Zhaoqing than before. Then, I will show about more sights in the next.
Scenic resorts:
2)T he Memorial Arch, was built in November 1958, which is a landmark building in Zhaoqing city. It is 12 meters high, 17.5 meters wide. It rides north to south.
The three words “七星岩” is written by Zhude. When you look into the memorial arch, you can find an entertainment square. The square covers 2.83 million kilometers. There has a musical fountain in the square, which is the largest musical fountain in the Guangdong. So the combination of the memorial
arch, the square and the musical fountain catered for people’s mentality about reminiscence, fantasy and return to nature.
3)Q ixingyan scenery, which is 4 kilometers away from the downtown, consists of five lakes, six hillocks, seven rocks and eight holes. Its total area is 8.23 square kilometers. Seven different forms of limestone stacks standing lake, the Big Dipper layout of the shape of the sky, named Qixingyan. Seven different forms of limestone stacks standing lake, the Big Dipper layout of the shape of the sky, named "Qixingyan." Wind Langzhong named Rock, yuping rock, stone chamber
rock, Tianzhu Rock, Toad Rock, the Arab-Israeli rock slope. Lake Qixingyan five or six posts, seven rocks, composed of eight holes. In the hole, there are many carve stone in the rocks, and it has a name of millennium poetry gallery. It has been called fairyland and the first spectacle in lingnan.
5)D inghu Mountain, is the first of four famous mountains in Lingnan, which is 18 kilometers away from the downtown, and covers 1133 hectares. It has the other name is the the emerald of tropic of cancer, because the place across the tropic of cancer is desert. It became the first nature in our country, and known for their special research value at and at abroad. Dinghu Mountain has been the
famous Buddhist Shrine since the Tang Dynasty. Look at the sketch map of Dinghu mountain, you can find something you are interested. The whole scenery consists of more than dozen peaks such as dinghu, jilong, fuhu. And its original forest area is more than 4000 hectares, and 2000 kinds of wild plants. It is very famous for its tripod. There are many tripods in Dinghu mountain. Tripod is a symbol of Chinese ancient culture. It always means peace and unity.
7)T he Song City Wall, is located in the downtown, with 2800 meters long. It was built in Song Dynasty. What its height is about 6.5 to 10 meters and its weight is about 8.5to 18 meters. It goes through about 953 years, and now you still can find many old bricks in this city wall. It was named of small Great Wall, and the first brick building in Guangdong province. Actually, it has been repaired abou 20 times, but the wall and the gate never changed. It likes showing us about what Zhaoqing went through in the past.
9)M eian, is located in the west of Zhaoqing city. And now, it is a museum. It was built BC996. Meian is named of plum flower. Meian is one of the oldest wooden buidings in Guangdong province
and it is very famous for its construction. It still has several main buildings like Liuzu Temple, Daxiongbaodian, shanmen and so on. Meian Temple reserved the Song D ynasty’s building construction. It was named of millennium temple.
潮州开元寺泰佛殿10)Baogong Temple, is about 10 meters away from downtown. There has a saying goes, Baogong worked at the Duanzhou (now is Zhaoqing) for 3 years, and when he left, he carried nothing. As we all known, Baogong is a very honesty people. Many people love him very much. In order to memorize the great man, people built this temple. The Baogong Temple covers 11500 square meters. The Baogong temple attracted many tourists.
11)Deqing Panlong Gorge, is another famous scenery but not in the downtown.
Deqing is under the rule of Zhaoqing. Deqing town is mother dragon’s hometown.
Its Panglong Gorge touring region occupies over 2000 hectares,its central area is 650 hectares. Panglong gorge is long, deep with lots green plants, and is abundant of water all the time. Why the gorge is named “Panglong”? The mother dragon has 5 sons,the youngest son is very naughty and often makes his mother angry.
One day mother dragon is furious to her little son, she sent her little naughty boy
to this gorge for meditation. Sometimes his elder brother will also come here to visit this little naughty kid. Attracted by the beautiful scenery, the two dragons are entrenched in this gorge and help local people for rains. Thus this gorge is named “Panglong Gorge”.In this gorge, there is a large waterfall group, the biggest fall is
80 meters high. Here is the waterfall area, the concentration of negative ion in air
is very high,are you enjoying your breath now? What we facing is “two-dragon pond”. To offer a quiet and separated environme nt to the dragon brothers to meditate, the mother dragon tore a piece of cloth from her sleeve and threw it here to form a waterfall curtain on our left hand. After meditation, the two dragon brothers fly back to the heaven above our right hand waterfall.
俄罗斯败局已定 难收场12)
13)Longmu Temple, is located in the Deqing too. It remains the Longmu culture, old building culture, fengshui culture and historic culture and so on.
Longmu temple faces the Xijiang river, and it has more than 2000 years history.
Longmu temple is a pearl of old building construction in out country. The building is amazed at its flo
od control, pest control, lightning protection. Actually, the Longmu temple came across many times of the flood, but it still stand here and never be destroyed. As the old saying goes, people built the temple in order to memorize the Longmu. In that time, Longmu is a leader who lead her sons to fight for the flood, and she is a very brave and kind woman. So every lunar calendar the 8th may, it has a very big celebration in the temple. During that time, many people came to here to pray. And it is said that touch the longmu bed to pray for pregnant.贵阳市内一日游必去景点
When you visithere, you will find many people come here pray for.
Special local product in Zhaoqing:
2)Duanxi ink stone, is one of the four treasures of study.The four things refer to
writing brush, ink stick, ink slab, paper. Those are the very things a study should have in the past, those are the symbols of a family's elegancy and classy.
Moreover, Duan ink stone is the first of the four famous ink stones. The other is She ink stone, Zhao ink stone and chengni ink stone. Zhaoqing has another name is duanzhou, so the ink stone named d
uan ink stone. In these ink stone, especially famous for laoken, maziken and kenzaiyan. Duanxi ink stone was built in Tang Dynasty. At first, ink stone just used for writing. Since in the mid of Tang Dynasty, it became more beauty than before. There is a story about the ink stone. One day a worker who mined the ink stone, found two cranes falling into the water, then he wanted to catch the two cranes, but he found nothing but a stone. However the stone is very strange, it has some voices, and last the stone broke up. The stone departed two sides; each side has a crane that is very lively. So many miners knew this thing, and then they started to design it. Duan ink stone is known to its solid, smooth, soft and delicate. And the ink makes fast and it never be stagnant.
Proficient in writing without prejudice cents, enduring color writing. It is very complicated to make a best ink stone. There has the biggest ink stone of the world in Zhaoqing.It has 1300 years of history. It has been classified as a tribute since in
自驾游黄山旅游攻略二日游Tang dynasty. It is 4.6 meters wide and 3.15 meters, 0.45 meters thick and weighs
13.8 tons.
4)Zhaoqing guozheng zong, is very famous food in Guangdong province. It is very
commonly to have zongzi that package by bamboo, but in guozheng is package by dongye. It is said that Zhaoqing people make zongzi since in Qin Dynasty. During that time, in order to convenient the farm work, farmers used the bamboo package the rice and took it to the farm land as food. That is the earliest guozheng.
Zhaoqing people are very strict to cook guozheng. First, they used dongye as the cover, and must have several conditions, which is green leaves, smell nice and corrosion prevention. And then used the best sticky rice and mung bean in this year, and used the pork as stuffing. Next you must use something flavoring to mix.
And last you can use some tools to package it, and then cooked it about 10 hours.
And you can eat it. In Zhaoqing, the famous brands have huangzhonghuang and haoxiangju and so on. Obviously, it attracted most people to buy it as a gift.
5)Qixing jian hua, is growing in qixingyan. It has another name that is bawanghua.
The qi xing jian hua not only have a high aesthetic value, but also a good food value and medicinal value, which is known to at home and at broad. And the flowers hold white flowers in summer, closed
at night open, so there is gods Jianhua reputation.The flower is singular growth in the absence of water preferences and no soil on the cliffs. It can consider as medicine, which best for our healthy. In Gaungdong province, we all know Cantonese like cook a soup and the jianhua is the best choice to cook. So many Cantonese like buying this when they visited Zhaoqing city. Obviously jianhua is the most favorite thing in Guangdong province.
In fact, there have many special local products in Zhaoqing. And today I just list the most famous things to you.
From the foregoing, I think that you know more about Zhaoqing city and you maybe enjoy this historic and culture city. And Zhaoqing city can become more and more beautiful and more and more attractive. If you want to visit Zhaoqing city , I promise I will show you around the city and eat more delicious foods. Thank you for your attention and hope you enjoy my powerpoint.

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