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    1. Mike _________  his homework every day..There __________ some water in the glass.
    3. We like ________  basketball I often  ____ to the music in the evening.
    5. My grandma_________ TV every day.
    二、判断句子的正误, 并改正。
    1. Betty do morning exercises every day.2. I plays on the beach.
    3. The trees falls their leaves.4. I like to wearing shirts and running.
    5. I sometimes watching TV on Sunday.
    1. _________Alice often play the piano. No, she __________.A. Do; doB. Does; does  C. Does; doesn’t
    2. ________ your penfriend _______ in Beijing? A. Do; live  B. Do; livesC. Does; live
    3. Tom and Mike _______ very excited, they will take a trip. A. isB. are  C. am
    4. I like ________ very much. What about you?A. dance  B. danced  C. dancing
    5. I can’t find my pen. Let me _______.A. go and ask her  B. go and ask hers C. go and ask she
    6. Fangfang is a good student. She _______maths. A. does good at  B. well do it  C. is good at
    7. The kite _______ a bird. A. look likeB. is looking  C. looks like
    8. Bill and I _______ good friends. A. is  B. areC. am
    9. Sandy often ________ his homework on Sundays .A. do  B. does  C. did北戴河攻略三日游
    10. What do you usually do on the weekend? I ______.A. went swimming  B. go swimming  C. visited grandparents
    11. What do you usually do on your holiday?A. saw elephantsB. sing and dance  C.took picture
    12. I ________ a student. I go to school _______bus every day. A. is; byB. am; on C. am; by
    13. I _______ a brother. She _______ a sister.  A. have; hasB. has; hasC. have; have
    14. You _________ a student. He ________ a teacher.  A. is; is  B. are; is  C. are; are
    15. He always _________ football games.  A. watches  B. watchC. doesn’t
    16. My best friend _______ shells.  A. collects  B. collect C. often
    17. She doesn’t ________ listening to the music. A. often  B. like  C. likes
    18. My mother and I _________ always watch romantic films.A. doesn’t  B. don’tC. do
    19. ---When _______ he get home on Friday?  ----He gets home at four on Friday.  A. doB. does  C. did
    20. Summer _________ spring.  A. comes afterB. comes in  Ces before
    1. Every one _________ to their teacher in the classroom.  A. are listeningB. is listening C. listen
    2. They are singing and ________ together at the party now.  A. dance  B. danced C. dancing
    3. Listen! The birds ________. \A. is singingB. are singC. are singing
    4. Look! The kite _________ in the sky.  A. fly B. flies  C. is flying
    5. They _________ riding a forse.  A. is  B. areC. am
    6. Kate _________ playing chess.  A. amB. isC. are
    7. Are you washing clothes?A. Yes, you are  B. Yes, I amC. No, I am
    8. Is he _________ TV?Yes, he is.  A. watch  B. watching  C. not
    9. _________ they taking pictures.? Yes, they are. A. AmB. Be  C. Are
    10. It’s 10 o’clock. Ben ________ TV in the bedroom. A. watch  B. is watchingC. watches
    1. I _______ presents for my parents yesterday.A. buyed  B. bought  C. buying
    2. Susan _______ swimming yesterday.A. goB. goes  C. went
    3. Danny _______ breakfast five times last week.A. eat  B. ate  C. eated
济南周边一日游景点自驾游    4. Last Sunday_______ Tree Planting Day.A. isB. wereC. was
    5. I _______ a lot from our textbook.A. learned  B. learnesC. learning
    6. We _______ to the zoo and ______ a lot of animals yesterday.A. go; see  B. went; saw C. goes; sees
    7. What did you do last weekend ?--I _________A. read a bookB. wash the clothes  C. go fishing
    8. What did you do on your holiday?I ________  A. bought a presentB. go skiing  C. learn English
海丰莲花山温泉度假村    9. What did he ________ yesterday?He ________ his homework.A. did; did  B. do; did  C. do; do
    10. Yesterday my presents and I ________ our house.A. were cleaning B. cleaned  C. are going to clean
    11. What ________ to trees in the different season?  A. happen  B. happens  C. happened
    12. Last summer. I ________ in the lake and played on the beach. A. swim  B. swam  C. will swim

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