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everyone, you, bored, something, hen
1.My uncle keeps twenty __________ on the farm.
2.I want to do __________ to help him.
3.__________ in our school has to follow the school rules.
4.The movie is boring and I feel __________.
5.Can you dress __________?
1.We saw something special along the way. (改为一般疑问句)郴州莽山旅游攻略自驾游
Did you ________ ________ special along the way?临床医学专业
2.Alice went to Central Park with someone. (改为一般疑问句)
Did Alice ________ to Central Park with ________?
3.How did Linda like the stores? (改为同义句)
________ did Linda ________ ________ the stores?
4.The food in the restaurant was nice. (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ the food in the restaurant?
5.Tina went to Hainan on vacation. (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ Tina go on vacation?
1.nothing, the, he, supermarket, bought, in
2.yourself, did, buy, what, yesterday, you, for
3.keep, class, to, everyone, has, in, a, our, diary
4.do, nothing, there, sleep, is, to, but
5.excited, seemed, be, my, afternoon, grandma, to, this
A:Hello, Cathy!
丽江怎么去香格里拉方便B:Hi, Steve! Long t1. no see.
A:Yes. D2. you go on vacation?九丈崖月牙湾地质公园
B:Yes. I went to Hangzhou with my family.
A:Really? It’s my favorite place.
B:It was very beautiful. We h3. great fun there.
A:W4.did you do in Hangzhou?
B:We went shopping every day. The clothes there were very good. I bought a lot.
A:Oh, your sweater is very nice. Did you b5.it there?
big, spend, be, restaurant, go
Bill went to Beijing with his parents on vacation last summer. The weather_________ fine and the trip was relaxing. They _________ five days in Beijing. They visited the Great Wall (长城). They also_________ to the Summer Palace (颐和园). Of course, they went shopping. The shops were very _________ and clean. They ate in some Chinese _________, too. The food was cheap and nice. They had a good time in Beijing.

本文发布于:2023-08-06 00:08:05,感谢您对本站的认可!



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