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  Insurance is a guarantee against financial loss. Insurance policies can be bought for all sorts of things. The most mon kinds of insurance include life, health and property.
东山岛旅游攻略 完整版  For example, an insurance pany will pay to repair or replace the property if it is damaged or stolen. How much a pany will pay in the event of a claim depends on how much insurance the policyholder has bought. The amount may also depend on the conditions that led to the damage.
  The Insurance Information Institute says Americans paid forty-nine thousand million dollars for homeowners insurance in two thousand three. The payments that policyholders make to an insurance pany are called premiums. Premiums for car insurance totaled sixty-five thousand million.
  Insurance is an ancient idea. Early forms of insurance were used over three thousand years ago in Babylonia, the country that is now Iraq. Also, the Phoenician, Greek and Roma
n cultures had forms of insurance in case of loss or death. By the fourteen hundreds, the European shipping trade had developed its own system of insurance.
南安市  There are two main kinds of insurance panies. Insurance carriers provide insurance to individuals, groups and businesses. Re-insurance panies help reduce the financial risk to carriers. These are insurance panies for insurance panies.
  Carriers usually sell their policies through insurance agencies or brokers. Brokers bring together buyers and sellers. Large businesses often use brokers when choosing products to insure their workers, property and interests against risk. 广州室内儿童乐园排名
  Independent sales agents sell insurance from many panies. Others sales agents sell insurance from only one pany.
半山温泉度假酒店  Over two million Americans work in the insurance industry. A government report shows that more than niy percent of insurance-related businesses employ fewer than twenty workers. Yet, as of three years ago, just a few large panies employed almost forty percent of all the workers in the industry.
  Employment experts say job growth in the insurance industry is slower than in other industries. They say technology has increased productivity, which means fewer workers are needed to do the work.

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