
阅读: 评论:0

1。一般过去时 I bought the car.
2。一般现在时 I buy the car.
3。一般将来时 I will buy the car.
4。过去进行时 I was buying the car.
5。现在进行时 I am buying the car.
6。将来进行时 I will be buying the car.
7。过去完成时 I had bought the car.
8。现在完成时 I have bought the car.
9。将来完成时 I will have bought the car.
10。过去正在完成时 I had been buying the car.
11。现在正在完成时 I have been buying the car.
12。将来正在完成时 I will have been buying the car.
1。一般过去时 I bought the car.
Did you buy the car
What did you buy
2。一般现在时 I buy the car.
Do you buy the car
What do you buy牛背山最佳旅游时间
3。一般将来时 I will buy the car.
Will you buy the car
What will you buy
4。过去进行时 I was buying the car.
Were you buying the car
北爱尔兰what were you buying
5。现在进行时 I am buying the car.
Are you buying the car荆州人力资源招聘网
What are you buying
6。将来进行时 I will be buying the car.
Will you be buying the car
What will you be buying
7。过去完成时 I had bought the car.
Had you bought the car
What had you bought
8。现在完成时 I have bought the car.
Have you bought the car
湖北职业技术学院What have you bought
9。将来完成时 I will have bought the car.
Will you have bought the car
What will you have bought
10。过去正在完成时 I had been buying the car.
Had you been buying the car
What had you been buying
11。现在正在完成时 I have been buying the car.
Have you been buying the car
What have you been buying
12。将来正在完成时 I will have been buying the car.
Will you have been buying the car
What will you have been buying

本文发布于:2023-08-06 00:17:49,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:职业   荆州   海陵   自助游   时间   湖北   招聘网   广东
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