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(    )1.publish 
A.区别          B.公众        C.出版        D.管理
(    )2.valuable
A.社会          B.责怪        C.疯狂的      D.有价值的
(    )3. effect
A.礼貌的        B.影响        C.危险的      D. 呼吸
(    )4.relax
A.  有毒的      B. 攻击        C. 引起        D.放松
(    )5.thirst
A.态度          B.口渴的        C.包含          D.商业
(    )6.select
A.选择          B.海报          C.设计        D.注意
(    )7.damage
A.确信          B.破坏          C.过路人        D. 态度
(    )8.appear
A.出现          B.邮件          C. 大量        D.主要的
(    )9.serious
A. 严重的      B. 烹调          C. 防卫        D. 比率
(    )10.special
A. 奖励        B.最近的        C.特别的      D.下决心
(    )1.The new machine is quite different ___ those we used before.
A.for          B. with        C. on          D. from
(    )2.The boy ___ hand was hurt is my little brother .
A. whose      B. whom        C. who        D. which
(    )3.Look at the "No parking " , you ___ park your car here.
A. mustn't    B. can't        C. needn't      D. shouldn't
(    )4.There is something wrong with the car. They have to look for a hotel, ___ they?
A. have        B. do            C. don't        D. haven't
(    )5.Eating too much has a bad effect ____ people's health.
A.in          B.on            C. at          D. for
(    )6.He went out without ___a word.
A.saying      B. to say        C. said        D. says
(    )7.___ leaves the classtoom last should close the window and lock the door.
A. whose        B. whoever      C. whom      D. the  person
(    )8.The problem is ___ we can get so much money to buy it.
A. how          B. why          C. that        D. what
(    )9.There __ a pen and some books on the desk.
A. are        B. is          C. has      D. weere
(    )10.Reading too many books  ___ bad for your eyes.
A. is          B.are          C.has        D. have
    )1.-- Why don’t you like him?
A.He is selfish       
B.He is very interesting
C.She is lovely       
D.She is young
    )2.-- Thank you for joining in our conversation tonight.
          -- ________ .
AIt’s my duty                  BIt’s all right
CIt’s my pleasure              DIt’s nice to say so
    )3.-- A table for three, please.洛阳龙门石窟门票优惠政策
        -- OK. _____. Here is your table. Please take seats.
AThis way, please              BCome on
CIt’s over there.              DCome here
    )4.-- Here we are, Jane. This is the Great Wall.
          -- Oh! ______________
AHow splendid!                BBe careful!
C宁陕旅游景点排名.Watch out!                  DGood-bye.
    )5.-- Don’t make any noise! My baby is sleeping.
          -- __________.
ASorry                    B.It doesn’t matter 
CI’m wrong              D.Thats all right
宁波天宫庄园图片    )6.-- The floor is wet. You must be careful or you’ll fall down.
-- ___________.
AI’m sorry              BThank you for reminding me
CIt doesn’t matter      DNever mind
    )7.-- We need three single rooms for the first week in June.
-- ___________.The hotel’s not busy then.
ANo problem              BNever mind
意大利vs西班牙比分CThat’s good            DIt doesn’t matter
    8-- I’m so tired. I can’t walk any farther, Jenny.
            -- __________, Tommy. You can do it!
ANo problem              BCome on   
CThat’s OK              DNo hurry
    )9.-- How was your weekend?
         -- __________.
AIt’s cold                B.It is busy       
CIt doesn’t matter      DIt was interesting
    )10.-- Let’s go to a movie after working, OK?
        -- ___________
ANot at all.            BNever mind   
CWhat of it?            DWhy not?
Happiness is for everyone. You dont need to care about those who are very  1  . Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel  2  and those who have cars want to
  3  on country roads in their free time.
In fact, happiness is always  4  you. When you are  5  , your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your  6  are always taking good care of your life and your  7  . All these are your happiness.
When you are  8  , you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else  that  9  cant buy. When you meet with  10  , say loudly that you are happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself.

本文发布于:2023-08-06 00:18:36,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:职业高中   路线图   门票   宁波   词汇
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