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Unit 1达标测试卷
时间:40分钟 满分:澳洲签证100
(  ) 1. A. down    B. drop    C. door
(  ) 2. A. what    B. kite    C. wait
(  ) 3. A. finish    B. wash    C. fish
(  ) 4. A. meet    B. met    C. map
(  ) 5. A. love    B. like    C. list
(  ) We came back yesterday.      (  ) Finish your ice cream.
(  ) I dropped my ice cream.      (  ) We met John in the park.
(  ) Then we went home by bus.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  
    (  )          (  )    (  )      (  )      (  )
(  ) 1. A. Last Saturday.    B. Yes, I am.
(  ) 2. A. Yes, I do.    B. No, I didn't.
(  ) 3. A. I went to the park.    B. I go to school.
(  ) 4. A. Yes, we did.    B. Yes, they did.
(  ) 5. A. We saw some trees.    B. We see some eggs.
1. run to the bus 2. by train 3. go home by bike 4. buy an ice cream 5. go to the park
1. We ________________ (买了冰激凌) last Sunday.
2. Did you ________________ (吃米饭) yesterday?
3. We're ________________ (回家) now.
4. ________________ (等等) me, please.
5. We ________________ (吃面条) yesterday.
(  ) 1. Last week, I went to the Great Wall ________ my cousin.
A. at    B. on    C. with
(  ) 2. Let's ________ some ice creams.
A. buy    B. to buy    C. bought
(  湖南特产有哪些土特产) 3. —Did they buy ice creams?
A. Yes, they didn't.    B. No, they did.    C. Yes, they did.
(  ) 4. We ________ to Beijing last Saturday.
A. go    B. went    C. going
(  ) 5. ________ they ________ home by bus yesterday?
A. Did; go    B. Do; go    C. Do; went
1. I ________ (come/ came) back last Sunday.
2. They are back ________ (from/ with) America.
3. I went home ________ (on/ by) bus.
4. Mary and I ________ (ran/ run) to our school yesterday.
5. We fly________ (above/ at) the clouds.
(  ) 1. We went to Shanghai by plane last Friday.
(  ) 2. Yesterday they bought ice creams in the park.
(  ) 3. Lingling went to the park with Sam and Amy yesterday.
(  ) 4. —Did Lingling phone you last Sunday?
—Yes, she did.
(  ) 5. Simon went to China last week.
(  ) 1. Did Lingling phone you?  A. By train.
(  ) 2. Where did you go last week?  B. Yes, I can.
(  ) 3. Can you send an email?      C. No, she didn't.
(  ) 4. What did you do last night?  D. I went to Beijing.
(  ) 5. How did they go there?    E. I did my homework last night.
(  ) 1. 当你见到朋友向他问好时,应说:________
A. How are you?      B. How old are you?
(  ) 2. 你见到外出旅游的朋友回来了,问他是否昨天回来时,应问:________
A. Do you come back yesterday?
B. Did you come back yesterday?
(  ) 3. 你想问同学昨天是否步行上学的,应说:________
A. Did you walk to school yesterday?
B. Are you walk to school yesterday?
(  ) 4. 你向父母介绍朋友时,应说:________
A. He is my friend.      B. This is my friend. 华山山顶住宿攻略
(  ) 5. 你告诉医生昨天吃的米饭,应说:________
A. I had rice yesterday.  B. I have rice yesterday.
Yesterday, I went to the KFC. I bought a hamburger and a glass of cola. I met a friend in the KFC. She is Fangfang. She bought an ice cream. Then we went home together(一起). Fangfang dropped her ice cream on my shoes, but I was not angry(生气的). At last we went home by bus.
(  ) 1. I went to the KFC with Fangfang.
(  ) 2. I bought an ice cream for Fangfang.
(  ) 3. Fangfang dropped her ice cream on my shoes.
(  ) 4. I was angry.
(  ) 5. We went home by bus.
Dear Daming,
Yesterday Iwent to_______________________________________________

一、1. drop 2. wait 3. finish  4. met 5. love
二、1. We met John in the park.
2. Finish your ice cream.
3. We came back yesterday.
4. Then we went home by bus.
5. I dropped my ice cream.

本文发布于:2023-08-06 00:24:14,感谢您对本站的认可!



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