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1. 问候与交流:
- 你好!/ 您好!- Hello! / Hi!
- 请问,你会说英文吗?- Excuse me, do you speak English?
- 我不太懂中文,可以用英文交流吗?- I don't understand Chinese very well, can we communicate in English?
- 谢谢!- Thank you!
- 不客气。- You're welcome.武汉吃货的三大圣地
2. 询问路线和交通:
去...怎么走?- How do I ?
- 最近的地铁站在哪里?- Where is the nearest MTR station?
北京朝阳区疫情最新消息- 坐地铁需要多长时间?- How long does it take by MTR?
- 去...的公交车站在哪里?- Where is the bus ?
- 去...打的需要多少钱?- How much does it cost to take a ?
3. 订购食物和饮品:
- 我想要一份...- I'd like to
- 这个菜有辣的吗?- Is this dish spicy?
- 我对海鲜过敏,请不要放海鲜。- I'm allergic to seafood, please don't put any seafood in it.
- 我要一杯咖啡/茶。- I'd like a cup of coffee/tea.
- 这个有没有甜的选项?- Is there a sweet option for this?
4. 购物和砍价:
稻城亚丁适合什么时候去- 这个多少钱?- How much is this?
文安天气- 可以便宜一点吗?- Can you give me a discount?
- 太贵了,能不能再便宜点?- It's too expensive, can you make it cheaper?
- 你能给我一个更好的价格吗?- Can you give me a better price?
5. 景点参观:
- 香港有哪些著名的旅游景点?- What are the famous tourist attractions in Hong Kong?
- 我想去...,怎么走?- I want to , how do I get there?
- 这个景点几点开放?- What time does this attraction open?
- 我需要买门票吗?- Do I need to buy a ticket for this?
6. 紧急情况:疫情最新情况
- 救命!- Help!
- 我迷路了。- I'm lost.
- 我丢失了我的包。- I lost my bag.
- 我需要医生。- I need a doctor.
- 我的手机没电了,可以借您的手机吗?- My phone is out of battery, can I borrow your phone?

本文发布于:2023-08-06 16:06:54,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:需要   香港   口语   城市   景点   交流   疫情   帮助
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