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【 导语】五一到,学习压力放脑后,身体放松心情好;春暖花开好时节,郊外踏青心舒畅;亲朋好友约一约,欢聚一堂多热闹!祝你五一小长假快乐无双!以下是为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
Today is labor day. My parents took me to Qilin mountain amusement park.
At the foot of the mountain, vehicles and crowded people are walking slowly up the mountain. From a distance, they look like dark ants. There are many people buying tickets at the gate of the zoo. The line is in a long line. It's very lively! We continued to go up and met three classmates along the way.
At the amusement park, my father and I played very exciting surfing and crazy Mickey Mouse together. It was really fun! Then I went to play with the water transparent ball. I squatted in a big transparent ball. My uncle pushed the ball into the water. When I got on the water, I stood up and fell down in a few seconds, like a little brother who had just learne
d to walk, which made the people on the shore laugh. Later, I simply lay lazily in the sun in the ball. The ball shook on the water. I lay in the cradle like a baby and shook and shook. It was very fun!
This year's May Day is really happy. It's an unforgettable may day trip!
Today, my parents took me, my sister and Aunt Wang's family to Nanhai park. After about an hour's journey, they finally arrived at Nanhai park.
As soon as I got to Nanhai Park, I couldn't wait to start playing. In Nanhai Park, there are many trees around the lake, like soldiers on guard. The branches of willows flutter in the wind, like the hair of a spring girl.
Green grass, green leaves and colorful flowers gather like going to the market to form a dazzling summer.
Next, we went to the lake to have a water battle. Both of us took a boat. In this way, we started a water battle in the rippling lake. The other party was better to start first. I saw that they had weapons, and I was unwilling to show weakness. I also made a LV weapon, forcing the other party to retreat and flee in a hurry.
I decided to strike while the iron was hot, so I went up and started a series of fierce attacks on the other side until they surrendered. Suddenly, the other party attacked us! Regardless of three, seven and twenty-one, I grabbed the steering wheel from my father and crashed into each other's ship. It seemed as if I wanted to die together and finally won. I looked at them triumphantly and laughed.
Time passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, a day passed and we were reluctant to go home.
Today, my mother took me to the sand stall to play. When I came to the beach, the first thi
ng I saw was the endless sea. The sea was blue, especially when I looked at it, it was no different from the sky. At this time, I saw many shells and starfish on the beach. I couldn't help saying, "the sea is so beautiful!" My mother told me to go swimming, but I didn't dare. So my mother put the swimming ring on my waist and said, "the sea is very fun. Go! It's safe to have this lifebuoy!" But I still dare not. I'm very nervous. I walk slowly to the front of the sea step by step. My feet are shaking.二手房信息价格
At this time, the waves came to my feet and gently patted my feet, ah! So cool and comfortable. Gradually, I began to let go of my guard and bravely soak in the sea. A small circle found swimming easy and fun! I swam ashore to the dressing room. My mother found a picture for me. I must have laughed more brightly than the sun at that time!
The sea is so beautiful! This trip is really unforgettable, which makes me really feel the infinite charm of the sea!
On May 1, labor day, my father drove to Dongying children's palace with my mother, me, sister and aunt.
Entering the children's palace, the first thing I saw was a TV Tower more than 100 meters high. What a magnificent building! Walking inside, rows of neat trees, which are luxuriant and lush, seal the whole children's palace tightly, as if they were the guards of the children's palace, powerful and majestic. Further inside, I saw a sea of people, bustling.
I saw a lot of new things inside, like countless fish in the sea. One of them is my favorite bumper car, so we chose this game. The game began. I drove the car attentively and didn't dare to have any negligence. Just when I was about to turn the corner, a car suddenly came and hit my front. At this moment, another car hit my rear. Didn't it make me suffer from the enemy? In this way, I was trapped in a corner and couldn't extricate myself. I quickly re ignited, started the machine, pulled the car in front of me, looked for a way to make a living and rushed out!
At this time, my father, mother and aunt applauded me, and I was full of pride like a victori
ous soldier! Just as I was driving forward meticulously, suddenly a small red car ran in front of me. If I turned left, I would avoid its collision. But at that time, I was in a hurry and turned right. The other party was very fierce, and suddenly hit my car and turned around. Just as I tried to get back to normal, the end bell rang.

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