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The Design and Implementation of Student Photography System
 XXXX届     XXX  XXX   
学    号     XXXXXXXX     
学生姓名     XXXXXX      
指导教师     XXXXXX       
完成日期  xxxx x
壶口瀑布摘 要
系统由ASP.NET技术进行开发,数据库采用芒砀山玻璃栈道门票多少钱SQL Server 2008,因为它功能齐全,安全性高,对数据存储具有较大的优势.通过学生摄影约拍系统,可以为顾客节约时间,预防意外状况,减少麻烦.网站的展现,更直观的了解摄影师的作品,了解摄影师。互联网时代,预约功能性网站也是市场的需求,简单的操作,直观的展现,让双方都可以轻松使用。
关键词:摄影约拍 在线预约 SQL Server ASP.NET   
More and more student photographers begin to appear in the campus, who want to remain happy memories will invite their friends to take photos together. The needs between the photographers and their customers, which particularly require a platform to make them find their own satisfying photographers or customers.迪拜首富
With the establishment of students’ photographic system, they can share photographer’s information and their photos through the netwok and the database, and refer to the management system of photographic studios fundamentally。 All these will make this photographic system more safety, integrity and confidentiality to achieve the best effect to realize the goal of information。
The photographic system is developed by ASPNET, and its database is adopted by SQL Server 2008. The reason why they choose this system is that it has complete functions, high security and greater advant
ages for data storage。 hrough students photographic system, they can save time, prevent accidental conditions and reduce troubles for customers. Displayed by network, customers can be more intutive to know photographers and their photos. The appointment of functional sites is also the market demands in the internet era. Meanwhile, its simple operation and intuitive display can make the both sides more convenient to use。
Key wordsPhoto shoot Online Reservations SQL Server ASP.NET

第1章 绪论ﻩ1
1.1 课题研究的目的意义    1
1。2 国内外研究现状ﻩ1
1.3 论文研究的内容    2
第2章 系统的分析    3
2.1 可行性分析    3
2.1.2 管理的可行性分析    4
2.1.3 经济的可行性分析    4
2.2 预约系统的需求分析    4
2.2.1 摄影师的功能    4
2.2。3 顾客的功能ﻩ5
2.3 系统业务的流程图ﻩ5
2.4 系统数据的流程图    5
第3章 预约系统的设计    7
3.1 系统功能模块ﻩ7
3.2 流程图ﻩ7
3.3。1 E-R图    9
3.3.2 表结构的设计ﻩ10
第4章 系统操作说明ﻩ12
4.1 登录系统ﻩ12
4。2 密码修改    14
4.3 摄影师的档案管理    16

本文发布于:2023-08-12 10:48:34,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:系统   摄影师   学生   研究   分析   信息
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