2020-2021学年外研版英语七年级下册 Module 6综合复习训练

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Module 6综合复习练习
Peter and Lisa are going to the sports hall.They want to watch a football match.
They take the bus and get  1  at Sunflower Road Stop.They don’t know  2  to get to the sports hall,  3  they ask an old man for help. 
“Excuse  4 , Grandpa.We want to go to the sports hall.武当山在哪个省哪个市
Can you tell us how  5  there?” Peter asks. 
“Certainly. 6  along Sunflower Road and go  7  the bridge.The sports hall is just opposite the second bus stop.It’s not very far.You  8  it,” says the old man. 
 9  two kids thank the old man and walk to the sports hall.They finally get there.The match will start  10  five minutes.They are so lucky. 正定旅游景点攻略
(        )          B.off            C.in          D.to
(        )2.A.when        B.what            C.where      D.how
(        )3.A.so          B.but            C.before      D.because
(        )4.A.us            B.me            C.I              D.we
(        )            B.going        C.goes          D.to go
(        )6.A.Walk        B.Walks        C.Walking      D.To walk
(        )7.A.across        B.cross            C.through      D.over
(        )8.A.finds        B.will find        C.finding      D.find
(        )9.A.A              B.An            C.The          D. /
(        )10.A.in            B.with            C.at          D.on
Sam is a twelve⁃year⁃old boy.He goes out of the  11  station.He doesn’t know the way to People’s Hotel(宾馆) because he is  12  in the town.He  13  a policeman.He runs to him and asks,“Excuse me. 14  is People’s Hotel?” 
“Oh,it’s not far from here. 15  along the street and turn right at the third crossing(十字路口).There is a clothes shop on your  16  and a park on your right.Walk on  17  you can see a restaurant.The  18  is just next to the restaurant.” 
“And  19  does it take to walk there?”“About 15 minutes,” says the policeman.Now,Sam knows the way,and he’s very  20 .He thanks the policeman and leaves(离开) the train station. 
武隆旅游(        )11.A.bus            B.TV              C.train            D.radio
(        )12.A.old                B.new          C.bored            D.excited
(        )13.A.sees            B.visits          C.misses            D.crosses
(        )14.A.Why            B.How          C.Where            D.What
(        )15.A.Drive            B.Ride          C.Run                D.Walk
(        )16.A.left              B.east          C.west            D.south
(        )17.A.because          B.but          C.and                D.or
(        )18.A.club            B.hotel          C.zoo                D.shop
(        )19.A.how far            B.how much      C.how many        D.how long
(        )20.A.happy            B.afraid        C.healthy            D.clever
Giant Nature Park
Park Entry Times:
Summer Season:April 1st—September 30th 9:00—17:30 every day
Winter Season:October 1st—March 31st       
October 1st—October 28th:10:00—16:30    October 29th—November 11th:10:00—15:30
November 12th—November 25th:10:00—15:00    November 26th—January 20th:10:00—14:30
January 21st—February 3rd:10:00—15:00    February 4th—February 17th:10:00—15:30
February 18th—February 24th:10:00—16:00    February 25th—March 31st:10:00—16:30
Before leaving for the park, we think it’s good to go online to check that the park is open.If there is bad weather, we may close the park to make sure there’s no danger.
Dogs are welcome in the park but their owner(主人)must keep them on a leash at all times to stop them walk freely around so that they won’t hurt others.
Adult ticket: $7; Child ticket: $3;
Family ticket:2 adults and 2 children (between 5 and 15 years)$17 Guidebook:$3.50
Buy tickets at the door.Don’t book tickets online.
Park Closure Date:
We close the park on the following dates:25th & 26th of December and the 1st & 2nd of January.
(        )21.On which date does the park close very early?
A.February 15th.          B.March 30th.        C.October 31st.          D.November 28th.
(        )22.The park may close when     . 
A.it snows heavily                  B.no ticket is on sale 
C.there are no visitors              D.it is a traditional holiday
(        )23.What does the underlined word “leash” probably mean in Chinese?
A.拐杖                B.围栏                    C.骨头                D.皮带
(        )24.What does the park ask you to do?
A.Take your pet with you to the park.

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