雅思英语作文 individuals and society 老龄化会带来什么问题?怎么解决?

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In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society承德双塔山门票多少钱一张? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.
贵阳旅行社电话大全 Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
河北保定疫情最新消息今天封城了Sample Answer 1:
营口职业技术学院 In the modern world, the expected life of an individual is gradually increasing. Many people think that the trend is a positive development, but it has caused some problems for many countries. The following essay will discuss the effect of this positive trend, and some of the ways that could be considered in addressing the problem. It is a fact that average life expectancy of a single person has increased these days, due to the global improvement in the sector of economic, social politic, education and public health. Despite this positive development, the ageing population has caused some issues for governments. Firstly, as the number of senior people increase, the budget that governments must provide for the ret
irement fund and medical care automatically rise. Secondly, the growing number of senior people will be aligned with density problems. As the population of old people grow, the demand for the housing rise and consequently increase the price of properties, which would be a problem for the young people. However, there are some steps that governments could consider to resolve the issue. One of the ways is that governments could extend retirement age standard. Many countries are having the standard pension age at the age of 55 years old, and they could extend the age into 60 or 65 years since their senior people are still in a healthy and prime condition. Therefore it would reduce governments’ social welfare budget for the retired people. Besides that, governments could also provide a subsidy for the young people when they plan to buy a house. In conclusion, the world is developing rapidly in the last few years, and it has positively impacted on the average life expectancy. However, this positive trend has caused some problems for individuals and communities, therefore it is necessary for governments to take some actions in solving the issue.

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