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I. 单选
1.Which of the following statement is CORRECT about the geographic location of
the United States of America?
A.South of North America, southern temperate zone;
B.South of North America, northern temperate zone;
C.North of North America, northern temperate zone;
D.North of South America, southern temperate zone.
2.The boundary line between America and Mexico, starts from the mouth of the Rio
Grande River and finally ends at the ___________ seashore.
A. Atlantic
B. Pacific
C. Indian
D. Oceanic
3. _________, known as the Eastern Coastal Plain, is a wide strip between the Atlantic and the Appalachians.
颐和园游玩最佳路线图A. Mexico seacoast
B. Caribbean seacoast
C. Bering seacoast
D. Atlantic seacoast
4. Rocky Mountains stretch all the way from ________ to _________.
A. Mexico, the Arctic
B. Mexico, the Atlantic
C. Alaska, the Atlantic
D. Alaska, Mexico
5.The Yellow Stone National Park is located in __________.
A. the Grand Canyon
B. the Rocky Mountains
C. the Death Valley
D. the Willamette Valley
6.According to functionalist perspective, which one is not mentioned as the function
of education?
A.Providing custodial care
B.Promoting national unity
C.Reducing unemployment
D.Teaching knowledge and skills
7.“Head Start” movement was conducted to __________.
A.Give every child equal opportunity to receive education.
B.Bring those who were at disadvantage to have equal opportunity to receive
C.Initiate an optional course in school.
D.Improve the academic performance of students.
8.Regarding the education reforms, _________.
A.New paradigm supporters are confident in markets.
B.Systemic reformers believe in consumers.
C.The new paradigm and the old one are totally different.
D.Both the reforms reached good result.
9.Which of the following is related closely to religion?
A.public schools
B.Private schools
www./doc/3613697771.html,munity schools
D.Parochial schools
10.For the schools at local level, _____________.
意大利足球队名单A.the central government assigns the president.
B.V oted governing board is responsible for the governance of the local school.
C.The education quality is not very high-standard.
D.Teachers are less-paid than the state-run schools.
11.The sources of American Folk Music are _________.
A.the British Isles and Africa
B.the British Isles and Asia
C.European countries
D.All of the above
12.American Folk Music represents ________.
A.the American Indians
B.the tribal music of primitive peoples
C.American culture
D.The western American lives
13.The foremost form of Anglo-Celtic folk music is ________.
A.church music
C.Tribal music
D.Harmonic music
14.Bob Dylan is ____________.重庆二日游最佳安排
A.American folk singer
www./doc/3613697771.html, folksinger, banjo player
C.American singer and composer
D.American folksinger and song writer
15.A disc jockey is supposed to ___________.
A.Design the programs for radio stations.
B.Mix different kinds of music together
www./doc/3613697771.html,anize the dancing tune
D.Blend only certain types of music together to create new ones.
16.Donkey stands for________.
A. Democratic Party
B. Republican Party
C. Labor Party
D. Federalist Party
17. The president of the United States must be at least ________.
A. 40 years old
B. 35 years old
C. 45 years old
D. 37 years old
18. Which of the following is not considered as the cornerstone of traditional
American belief?
A. Individual Freedom
B. Equality of Opportunity
C. Material Wealth
D. Racial Diversity
19. _____ is responsible for the relation of the United States with foreign countries.
A. congress
B. president
C. ambassador
D. chief judge
20. The president can veto any bills passed by congress, unless ______ in each house美国新增死亡病例
vote to override the veto.
A. 2/3
B. 3/4
C. 4/5
D. 1/2
21.Juvenile Crime, in law, term denoting various offenses committed by children or
youths under the age of _______.
A. 16
B. 14
C. 18
D. 20
22.Which country remains the only Western democracy that imposed the death
penalty on some of those convicted of murder?_______
A. Canada
B. the United States
C. England
D. Germany
23.The largest and best organized association standing for firearm users in America
states, “ Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, which is _________.

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