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1.This program ______ to help people to improve their computer skills.
A) designs B) to design C) is designed D) designing
最好看免费观看高清视频2. Evidence shows that identifying and developing strengths is more effective ________ focusing too much on negatives.北京一日游最佳景点
A) what B) than C) that D) which
3. The notice repeatedly stressed the necessity for tourists _______ care of their personal belongings.
A) to take B) take C) taking D) took
安道尔4. One friend, _____ father has come to share their home, told me how hard his father worked his whole life.
A) that B) which C) what D) whose
5. I would like to eat out, but ______ the other hand I should be trying to save money.
A) in B)on C) for D) at
6. Paul is the head of our department and he _______ in the department almost for 3 years.
A) has worked B) works C) worked D) will work
7. The bank clerk listened carefully _______ he could discover exactly what the client wanted.
A) in case that B) now that C) so that D) provided that
8. After English, German is the most often _____ language in the European Union.
上海年轻人必去的地方A)to use B) using C) use D) used
9. In Britain, when there is no fog, the use of fog lights is an offence, for ______ you may receive东莞隐贤山庄地址在哪里
a $ 30 fine.
A) what B) which C) those D) that
10. What ______ you do if you were to live alone in the countryside?
A) did B) do C) will D) would
1. Trains, (particular) ________ those involving long-distance services, often offer a “quiet area”where phone use is not allowed.
2. Sally spends all her free time (collect) ________ rare stamps and coins.
3. There are situations where cell phone use (not allow) ________ on a plane for instance.
爬长城门票多少钱一位4. In Britain, the two most (fame) ______ and oldest universities are Oxford and Cambridge.
5. Public libraries make up the (large) _______ part of the library world and always receive public support.
6. It is worth (notice) _______ that his English is improving rapidly over the last two months.
7. The Health Minister of the British government has full (responsible) _________ for Britain’s hospitals.
8. In modern society today divorce is much (common) _______ than it was a few generations ago.
9. It is really (thought) ______ of you to come to the airport to meet me.
10. Such a program would create 2000 jobs immediately, (add) _______ up to 3000 over two years.

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