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智慧旅游是当前移动互联领域研究的热点问题,以Android Studio为移动开发平台,以良好的用户体验为切入点,通过Java编程设计实现了集气象信息查询、地图定位导航、旅游生活服务为一体的旅游助手APP,给出了软件的设计方案、功能结构和详细的实现过程。实现的旅游助手APP使用方便、可交互性强,能够实时为游客提供准确的旅游信息,有效提升游客的旅游体验,为智慧旅游提供了一种具体的参考解决方案,具有重要的应用价值和发展前景。
Abstract: Smart tourism is a hot topic in the field of mobile interconnection. Taking Android Studio as the mobile development platform and good user experience as the starting point, the tourism assistant APP, which integrates meteorological information query, map positioning and navigation, and tourism life service, is designed and implemented by Java programming. The design scheme, functional structure and detailed implementation process of the software are given. The realized tourism assistant APP is ea
sy to use and interactive. It can provide accurate tourism information for tourists in real time, improve the tourism experience of tourists effectively, and provide a specific reference solution for intelligent tourism, and it has important application value and development prospect.全国旅游景点排行榜

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