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旅游英语日常用语一1、(问路)Where is the tourist information centre? 请问旅游问讯处在哪里?
2、(问路)How can I get to XXX hotel ? 去XXX 酒店怎么走?
3、(问路)Where can I get a ticket? 在哪里卖票?
4、(问车况)Where is the bus stop (taxi stand)? 巴士车站在哪里?
5、(问车况)Is there an airport bus to the city ? 这里有从机场去市中心的巴士吗?
6、(问车况)What time does it leave? 几点发车?
7、(问路况)Could you tell me when we get there? 请问几点能够到达那里?
8、(问路况)How long does it take to go to there? 到那里需要多长时间?
北京小吃街哪里比较好9、(买张票)Hello, Could I get one ticket to London, please?
10、(问价格)How much is it? 多少钱?
常州特美食一条街11、(和司机谈话)Take me to this address, please 请拉我去这
12、(和司机谈话)Stop here, please 请停下来。
13、May I have a city map ? 请给我一张市区地图?
旅游英语日常用语二1、(问餐馆位置)Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 你能推荐附近的一个好点的餐馆吗?
假日海滩旅游景区2、(问餐馆位置)Could you recommend that kind of restaurant? 你能推荐几个餐馆吗?
3、(问餐馆位置)I’d like    a restaurant not too expensive 我想一个不是很贵的餐馆
4、(问餐馆位置)I’d like a quiet restaurant. 我想要一个安静的餐馆
5、(问餐馆位置)I’d like a restaurant with a cheerful atmosphere 我想要一个有著愉快气氛的餐馆
广州荔湾尸场(绝对真实)6、(问餐馆位置)Where is main area for restaurants? 餐馆主要集中在什么地方?
7、(问餐馆位置)Is there a Chinese/Italian restaurant around here? 这附近有中国/意大利餐馆吗?
8、(问餐馆位置)Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here? 这附近有高档餐馆吗?
9、(订桌)Could you make a reservation for me? 你能帮我预订一下吗?
10、(订桌情况)I’d like to reserve a table for two 我

本文发布于:2023-08-22 06:58:59,感谢您对本站的认可!



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