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长沙游玩攻略Today, we went to Sun Island. Sun Island is to see the winter snow sculpture of a good place. Sun Island for a close, I felt very cold. A glance, a vast expanse of whiteness, so beautiful! I was very surprised and very excited! Into the Sun Island Park, I saw the snow assemble small room, I was able to go in, which also sells hot drinks too! I'm in a snow house and knocked on the window, no one came to the door, I'm sorry! There are many snow sculpture park, the "Indian Family", "childish", "Spring", "Fish House", "Jesus Story".
The most lovely was "snow people" snow sculpture, a big tall snowman holding a broom, the other dwarf some of the snow people are talking to him, high snowman's belly is also a naughty little snowman tummy too! They wore a head pretty hat. The most interesting is "strange face" snow sculpture, there is a grandfather with a big mouth set of Zhang Shushu face, the uncle of another set of big mouth with a child's face, the children opening the mouth laugh! There is also a "fly" I like the snow sculpture, which is a cracked egg, which is only several flying out of Little Swan, Little Swan are each very fine sculpture, as if really wa北京周边游景点大全
宿迁天气预报nt to fly the same. The snow sculptures are carved all the very image of the person making snow sculptures can be really careful ah! I stepped on the loose in paradise soft snow, a foot to sink into the foot, I feel really comfortable! I also saw a withered tree, a leaf is not hung, and no one leaves the ground, really cold! Sun Island was really good play this game, I like it here.

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