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084|  城市设计  2020 6形式一头巨大的鲸鱼搁浅在这金黄的沙滩之上,尾部和头部奋力伸出地面,形成了动感而富有张力的画面。海风阵阵,涛声依旧,细沙在午后太阳下反射出耀眼的金,鲸鱼离海水如此之近却又无法抵达,“世界上最孤独的鲸”这一称号便是如此得来。空间整座雕像栩栩如生,鲸鱼的皮肤光滑细腻,人们路过总忍不住伸手抚摸。淘气的小朋友直接坐在鲸鱼的尾部自然滑下。其实鲸鱼的另一面是中空的,里面修建了一座滑梯,这是孩子们童年最爱的游戏。沿着优美的海岸线追逐嬉闹,在被太阳晒得发烫的沙滩上打滚放松,倚着巨大的鲸鱼休息拍照,身上所有的疲惫都随海风一同飞走。地址“鲸落”位于烟台金沙滩公园城市展示中心附近
MiYiSuo  120: "Whale-drop" in Golden Beach Park, Yantai,
China 张佳奇 / ZHANG Jiaqi 千城万貌
FORM A huge whale lies stranded on the golden sand, its tail and head struggling to reach the ground, creating a dynamic and tense image. The sea breezes, the sound of the waves, the sand reflecting the dazzling gold under the af -ternoon sun. The whale is so close to the sea but unable to reach there, which could accuont for its name "the world's loneliest whale".SPACE  The statue is so lifelike that the whale's skin is so smooth and delicate that people can't help but reach out to touch it as they pass by. The naughty boys sit directly on the tail of the whale and slid down naturally. In fact,
the other side of the whale is hollow with a slide built inside, which is children's favorite game . Chas -ing and frolicking along the beautiful coastline, rolling and relaxing on the hot sand, resting and photographing against the huge whale, all the exhaustion of the body flew away with the wind.LOCATION "Whale-drop" is located near the City ex -hibition center of Yantai Golden Beach Park, Yantai, Shandong.
右图图片来源:小红书 大象妈咪 xhslink/RBpdP 参考文献引用格式:张佳奇. 弥异所120: 烟台金沙滩"鲸落" [J]. 城市设计, 2020(6): 84-85.ZHANG J. MiYiSuo 120: "Whale-drop" in Golden Beach Park, Yantai, China [J]. Urban Design, 2020 (6): 84-85.
收稿日期:2020年11月3日Received Date: November 3, 2020世界国旗图片大全
张佳奇 (清华大学)ZHANG Jiaqi , Tsinghua University, China
望庐山瀑布 古诗085千城万貌  |

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标签:鲸鱼   图片   城市   太阳
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