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关键词:洛阳  旅游产业  融合  新业态  一个人去乌镇攻略研究
About Luoyang tourism industry integration research of new forms
Along with the development of the tourism industry in the world and the prosperity, the tourism industry face changing, the adjustment of industrial structure, the new formats emerge in endlessly. Luoyang is the important birthplace of Chinese civilization, Confucianism originated from Luoyang, Neo-Confucianism rooted in Luoyang, the Taoism founded in Luoyang, the ancient China's many major science and technology, education, ideological and cultural achievements and Luoyang an article. Luoyang, has a long history and bright culture, rich in tourism resources, as China's long-term crippling political, economic and cultural center, left a rich cultural history to Luoyang. Luoyang and rivers shape victory, lush gardens, natural landscape, the north has hailed as "thousand island lake in the north of the Yellow River scenic area, south of fun ecological tourist area, Luoyang peony armor in the world since ancient times, the condition to develop tourism. However, with the development of the tourism industry in the world and prosperity, the tourism industry face changing, the adjustment of industrial structure, the new formats emerge in endlessly. At the same time of developing tourism in Luoyang, it a
lso forced to consider will integrate new forms of operation in the tourism industry to meet the market, meet the tourists with different purposes
KEY WORDS: Luoyang tourismindustry integration new formats  research
<一)旅游产业与第一产业融合产生的新业态类型    2
<二)旅游产业与第二产业融合产生的新型业态:工业旅游    2
<三)旅游产业与第三产业其他要素融合产生的新业态类型    3
1、文化旅游    3
2、体育旅游    3
3、会展旅游    3
4、美食旅游    4
<四)旅游业本身其他要素产生的旅游产业新业态    4
1、休闲娱乐    4
2、旅游集散中心南川金佛山景点讲解    4
3、购物旅游    5
4、旅游产业集    5
<一)洛阳旅游产业融合的优势。    6
石家庄特景点1、文化条件    6
2、环境条件    6
3、市场条件。    7
4、产业条件    7
5、政策条件    7
<二)洛阳旅游产业融合新业态的劣势。    8
1、旅游特不突出,历史文化名城开发不够。    8
2、旅游资源开发缺乏合理规划与科学管理,未能形成整合效应。    9
3、旅游产业市场化程度较低,从业人员素质较低。    9
4、其他问题:    10
<一)强化融合意识,准融合路径    11
<二)整合社会资源,拓展融合空间    11
<三)加大资金投入,提供全力保障    12
1、省市推进政策支持    山西壶口瀑布12
2、充分运用金融手段    12
3、扩大资金来源途径    12
4、政府推出其他政策支持    12
<四)加强政策扶持,优化发展环境    12
1去桂林旅游必去的几个景点、全面推进旅游产业融合中新农村建设的补助    12
2、向生态、环保、节能政策靠近    10
3、制定旅游保障政策,扶持重点旅游工程    11
<五)实施人才战略,提升服务品质    11

1、建立涉旅领域专家咨询网咯体系    12
2、塑造人才产生、人才培育、人才实践一条龙优质体系    12
<六)建立运行机制,打造支撑平台    13
<七)完善管理体制,重视社会力量    14
结论    15
谢辞    16
参考文献    17


本文发布于:2023-08-31 02:02:22,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:旅游   融合   产业   洛阳   业态
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