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In the summer vacation, our family goes to Shanghai to play, Shanghai is really a prosperous beautiful city!There are dozens of tall buildings everywhere. From time to time, you can also meet a few foreigners. There are beautiful green spaces along the spacious streets.
We played in Shanghai for two days, the most memorable of which is the night view of Shanghai, the Bund.
辽宁庄河旅游景点大全When darkness falls, Shanghai and the Bund bee the ocean of lights, the world of light.The lights shining like fireworks, riotous with colour on earth.The road is a长春科技学院
string of bright lights, like the shining river
torrents.The neon edifice is covered The brightness dazzles the eyes., cruise on the Huangpu River in the beautiful past; the protagonist pearl is not far behind, it is in the lantern around, so that a "Pearl" shine with dazzling light in the night is very beautiful.On the earth, the Oriental Pearl is like su
ch a pearl, it is worthy of the "Oriental Pearl"".They embody the beauty of Shanghai.We admired the sight and left a lot of pictures under the beautiful night view.I'd like to keep all these pictures together.
The scenery of Shanghai, the Bund, the beautiful
scenery that will never forget.I have to look at the beautiful city and see the beautiful night scene.
This year's "eleven" holidays, mom and dad decided to take me to Shanghai tourism.
After getting on the bus, although my car was driving very fast, my heart had already flown to Shanghai. How I wish the bus would reach the metropolis I had long yearned for. I waited and fell asleep unconsciously.
I did not know how long I slept. My mother pushed me up and said, "we have e to Shanghai. Get up and have a look."!" As soon as I heard it, I jumped up and said excitedly, "I've finally arrived in Shanghai."!" I threw myself at the window and looked out, and cried, "Wow!"! Beautiful!" What a beautiful picture I see in front of me! All kinds of tall buildings, flashing bright lights, tall, short, in different shapes, there are more than 40 layers
of it?! The lights outline the majestic outline of a
智利红酒building blocks. The street lights shining with flashing lights, The stream never stops flowing. cars, like the
Milky Way drop from the clouds. Sidewalks, parks, lawns are full of colorful lights, as if in a world wonderland. After a long walk, we managed to find a hotel. Put down the luggage, dinner, it is already more than ten in the evening, but we are not sleepy. As the saying goes, "less than the
Bund means no visit to Shanghai", so we go to enjoy the beautiful night view of the Bund.
With the hustle and bustle of the crowd, we walked up the steps to the Bund, on the banks of the Huangpu river. I saw the brilliantly illuminated edifice, a riot of colours. The famous Oriental Pearl TV Tower is bright and colorful, it is up to 468 meters, is the first in Asia, the world's third tower, is divided into three layers from top to bottom, respectively, showing a red, light blue and purple, like a pearl inlaid in the Huangpu river. Da Li in the
river hundreds of meters high giant screen, not transform a beautiful picture all bright and colorful, neon lights, building the pavilions, the resplendent with variegated coloration as one falls, another ris
es, the Huangpu River into a sea of light, the light of the world. In the glittering surface of the river, along the river slowly by the color lamp decorated luxury cruise sliding, floating like a crystal clear water palace.
The Bund has always been regarded as a symbol of Shanghai, and the architecture of the Bund is various. It
is called "World Architecture Expo"". Stroll in the Binjiang Avenue, the Gothic spire and ancient Greek hole, Baroque pillars and Spanish style balcony on the front of your behind, they always exudes a strong exotic sentiment, that have a unique style flavor is unforgettable. At night,
dozens of towering buildings were immersed in the ocean of lights, glittering and translucent like palaces of foreign countries. The entire the Bund buildings dazzling, stagger and. Whether it is as far as or walk, can feel a vigorous, vigorous, elegant and magnificent.
The beautiful Shanghai is the Oriental pearl. Beautiful Shanghai, may your future be better!

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