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Tomorrow, our city will be sunny, with the maximum temperature of 25 ° C and the minimum temperature of 11 ° C. There will be 2-3 southwest winds. In such a sunny spring, it is most suitable for outdoor sports, climbing mountains and running. A moderate amount of exercise will make you feel refreshed. The weather forecast wishes you happy every day. Here's the weather forecast for each township:东山岛游玩攻略顺序
Anzhuang Town: sunny, 10-20 ° C; Old city street: sunny, 10-23 degrees Celsius; Side yard: Town: sunny, 11-22 ° C; Hutun Town: sunny, 10-21 ℃; Wangguadian Town: Sunny 10-20 ℃; Sunbo Town: sunny, 9-19 degrees Celsius. Wangzhuang Town: sunny, 10-19 ° C; Wenyang Town: sunny, 10-19 ° C
Today is the second day of the valley rain. According to the 24 solar terms, the valley rain is the last solar term in spring. The valley rain in late spring means that spring is about to end and summer is about to arrive. The situation of large-scale southward invasion of cold air is relatively rare. At this time, the temperature in the South rises rapidly. Generally, the average temperature in the last ten days of April, except for the northern and western parts of South China, has reached 20 ° C to 22 ° C, more than 2 ° C higher than that in the middle of April. In the eastern part of South China, high temperatures above 30 ℃ often occur in one or two days, making people feel hot. As the proverb goes, "the Qingming Valley is often short of rain", which means that there is a shortage of rain during these two solar terms. During the valley rain, people in Hainan Island, Western Sic
huan, Western Guangxi, northwest and North China are more eager for rain. There are many sunny days, strong sunshine, large evaporation, windy sand and dry air. At this time, the rain is more expensive than oil.济南地铁线路图

本文发布于:2023-09-02 12:29:18,感谢您对本站的认可!



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