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Unit 7
班级:__________  姓名:____________  得分:___________
A            B                  C                D            E
3、  _____
4、 _____
第一节:听对话及问题,选择最佳答案,每组对话及问题读两遍。(共5小题,计5分) (    )6. A. Mo Yan.    B. Han Han.    C. We don’t know.
(    )7. A. July 7th, 2002.      B. July 7th.                C. 2002.
(    )8.    A. Square.              B. Round.                  C. Ball.
(    )9. A. Do homework.      B. Make a cake.              C. Make a card.
(    )10. A.Yes, he can.        B. No, he can’t.          C. No, she isn’t. 第二节:听长对话,回答第11至15小题,对话读两遍。(共5小题,计7.5分)
(    )11. Who did Li Mei want to call for?
B. Judy.
C. Judy’s mother.  (    )12. Was Judy at home?
A. Yes, she was.
B. No, she isn’t.
C. No,she wasn’t.
(    )13. How old is Kangkang?
A. Eleven.
B. Eleventh.
C. We don’t know.  (    )14.Where will they have the birthday party?
A. At Kangkang’s school.
光合谷温泉度假酒店B. At Kangkang’s home.
C. At Judy’s home.
(    )15.Can Judy’s mother tell her the message?
A. Yes,he can.
B. Yes, she can.
C. No,she couldn’t.
(    )16. Lily is_______ years old now.
B. Eighth.
C. Eight-year-old.
(    )17. Lucy and Lily live with__________.
A. Their parents.
B. Their grandparents.
广西实时天气预报查询C. They themselves.
(    )18. Luc y can sing__________songs.
A. English.
B. Chinese.
C. English and Chinese.
(    )19. They both like doing___________ outdoor activities.
C. Four.
(    )20. Their birthday cake is______________.
B. Big.
中国最美的100处名胜古迹C. Nice.
(    )21. —_______ was it before ?
—It’s an oval.
A. What color
B. What time
C. What shape
D. What’s the shape of
(    )22. —What’s the date today?
A. It is Monday.
B. It is May.
C. It is May 1st.
D. It is 1st.
(    )23. —_____ is Qing River in Lichuan?
—About 423 km long.
A. How far
乌鲁木齐周边一日游B. How wide
C. How much
How long
(    )24. —What did you use your lucky money _____?
—I used it to buy an MP4.
A. to
B. at
C. for
D. /
(    )25. —_____________ with your clock?
— It doesn’t work.
A.What’s a wrong
B. What’s the wrong
C.What’s    a matter
D. What’s the matter
(    )26. — _______ you at home last weekdays?
— No, I went to Yunnan for a visit.
A. Are
B. Did
C. Was
D. Were
(    )27.— I want ______ some fresh flowers _____ Mary’s birthday party.
— She must be like them very much.
A. to take; to
B. take; to
C. to take;at
D. take;
(    )28. — There is_____ with my new computer.
—Let me help you.
A.wrong anything
B. anything wrong
C. something wrong
D. wrong
(    )29. — I can dance.
—_____ can you do?
—I can also sing English songs.
A. How else
B. What else
C. Who else
D. Where else
(    )30. —Can I have a look that red box at the corner?
A.Yes, you could.
B. I’m afraid you couldn’t.
C. This way, please.
D. Of course you can.
(    ) 31. —Don’t be so noisy in the library please, Jack.
—I’m sorry, Mr. Chen.  _____
A. I will do it.
B. I know.
C. That’ll be OK.
D. I won’t do that again.
(  )32. I made a delicious cake for my daughter on Children’ s Day _____ hand.
A. on
B. in
C. by
D. with
(    )33. —Happy birthday to you!
A. Thank you!
B. Welcome to my home!
C. The same to you.
D. That’s OK.
( )34. Yao Ming likes playing _____ basketball, but her daughter likes playing_____guitar.
A. the; the
B. /; /
C. /; the
D. the; /
(    )35. There are _____ floors in our school building and my classroom is on
the _____ floor.
A.four; two
B. fourth; second
C. four; second
D. fourth;
I’m a Chinese girl. I was born  36    October 13th , 2003. I  36  a
student in Beijing International School now. I and my best friends, Ellen and
Sally, are in the same class. They often    38  me with my English .
39 was my thirteenth birthday. My mother had a party for me and I asked Ellen, Sally, Yukio and Kangkang  40  .They brought lots of  41    for
me. Ellen made a nice birthday card by hand. Sally  42  a beautiful picture
with birds and flowers. Yukio and Kangkang bought    a Harry Potter and some chocolates  43  me. My father gave me 44  iPad as a birthday gift. I can  45
实时火车到站时间查询it to listen to music, see interesting movies and study English. My mother is a
good  46  in a Five Star Restaurant. So she cooked a big and delicious    47
for us in the evening. My grandparents bought me a big birthday cake. There were 48 candles on it. We sat around the cake and sang the song Happy Birthday. I made a wish, and then  49    the candles. We ate cake and drank
some Coke, danced and  50  games at the party. Everyone had a good time .
(    )36. A. at    B. to    C. on    D. in
(    )37. A. am              B. is              C. was
D. were
(    )38. A. teach            B. teaches        C. help              D.
(    )39. A. Today            B. Yesterday        C. Everyday
D. Tomorrow
(    )40. A. come            B. came            C. coming
D. to come
(    )41. A. card            B. flowers          C. chocolate
D. presents
(    )42. A. draw            B. drew            C. draws
D. drawing
(    )43. A. at            B. as              C. to                D. for
(    )44. A. a                B. an              C. the
D. /
(    )45. A. use              B. uses              C. used
D. using
(    )46. A. mother        B. housewife        C. cook          D. cooker
(    )47. A. breakfast          B. lunch            C. brunch
D. dinner
(    )48. A. thirty            B. thirtieth          C. thirteen
D. thirteenth
(    )49. A. blow out          B. blew out        C. blow away
D. blew away
(    )50. A. do              B . did              C. plays
D. played
(  A )
Do you know Lang Lang? Lang Lang is called “Chinese Mozart”. He was born
on June 4th, 1982 in Shenyang. He began to learn to play the piano at the age
of three. He went to a piano school in Beijing when he was eight. But the
teacher didn’t like him. “You have no talent(天赋). You can’t be a
pianist.” As a small boy, Lang Lang was badly hurt. For the next two weeks, he
didn’t touch (触摸) the piano.
“You need fortune(运气),” his father said. “But if you don’t work hard, fortune will never come.”
Luckily the day came when his teacher asked him to play some holiday songs.
He didn’t want to, but when he put his hands on the piano keys(琴键), he
thought he could do it well. After that, he learned from a new teacher. In 1994,
Lang Lang got the first place(第一名) in an international competition.He
finally meets with fortune, and fortune lets him shine.
(    )51. When is Lang Lang’ s birthday ?
A. June 4th.
B. June 4th, 1982.
C. July 4th.
D. June. 4t h,
(    )52. Where was Lang Lang born?
A. Shenzhen.
B. Shenyang.
D. Beijing.
(    )53. When did Lang Lang begin to learn to play the piano?
A. In 1982.
B. At the age of three.
C. When he was young.
D. When he was eight.
(    )54. What does Lang Lang do ?
A. A teacher.
B. A piano.
C. A guitar.
D. A pianist.
(    )55. Does Lang Lang meet with fortune finally?
A. Yes, she does.
B. No, he doesn’t.
C. Yes, he does.
D. No,
she doesn’t.
(  B )
Here are some activities f rom Kangkang’s Summer Holiday Plan in 2016.
Kangkang’s Summer Holiday Plan
Date Day Activities
Jul. 25th Mon.  School ending
Jul. 30th-31st Weekends    A visit for Bo’hai Fram
Aug.1st Mon.  Jane’s birthday
Aug. 2nd-11th Tue.-Thur.  English Corner
Aug. 15th Mon.  Mid-autumn Festival
Aug. 17th Wed.  Basketball games
Aug. 19th Fri. Swim with Michael
Aug. 21st Sun. Lin Tao’s birthday party水上遇险求救电话
Aug. 23th Tue. Fish with Michael and Bob
Every weekday Homework
Jul. 26th-
Sept.1st Thur. School beginning
(    )56.The school is over on ____________.
A. Jun. 23rd
B. Jun. 25th
C. Jul. 23rd
D. Jul.
(    )57.What day is Lin Tao’s birthday party?
A. Aug.1st
B. Aug. 21st
C. Mon.
D. Sun.
(    )58. Kanakang’s English Corner lasts(持续)___________ days.
A. 9.
B. 10.
C. 11.
D. 12.
(    )59. Can Bob swim with Michael in this plan?
A. Yes, he can.
B. No, he can’t.
C. Yes, he could.
D. No, he couldn’t.
(    )60. What does Kangkang do every weekday?
A. Visit.
B. Homework.
C. Swim.
D. Fish.
Which Skirt to Wear ( 穿 )?
Tina is eight years old. She is a naughty girl. When her parents tell her
to do something, she always doesn’t do it.
Today,(1) party a go to will birthday she friend’s. She is now choosing skirt to wear. She has three skirts: a blue skirt, a white one and a yellow one.
She asks her father, “Which one is the best (最好)?” her father says, “I think the blue one is the best.” Then she asks her mother, “Which one do you
think is the best?” Her mother answers, “ The white one , of course!” Ti na says, “Thank you.”
Then she(2)puts on the yellow skirt and goes out.
(    )61. Tina is a _____________ girl in the passage.

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