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since the opening of the jinghong international airport in 1990, traveling to xishuangbanna by air has become more popular and convenient .there are also bus routes to places all over yunnan and neighboring provinces.
ok,its time to go! please make sure that all your belongings are carried with you. xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of yunnan province. the prefecture is nicknamed aerial garden for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants.
1.the first destination is wild elephant valley,it is the only place where wild elephants can be  seen.it is about 50 km away from jinghong---the capital of the prefecture.it has hilly topography.the river here flows in three directions,so it is also called sanchahe forest park.there are 300!500 wild elephants in about 50 groups here.
in this forest park ,there are animal viewing areas,a virgin forest adventure area and a reception center.in the park there is an elephant training and performance school.in the school we can see elephants bow to you,torn uoside down,dance to music and pass a single-road bridge,etc.we can go there and see well-trained elephants performing interesting programs.and there are snack garden and butterfly cultivation garden.in the forest adventure area ,there are rain forest and monsoon evergreen broad-leave forests.among the woods,there is a 4,000 meter pedestrian tourist road with platforms for watching elephants.
2.here we come to the second destination---menglong tropical botanicial garden.it was set up in the 1950s by the famous botanist cai xitao.it is located on calabash island 96 lilometers away from the city of jinghong.there are 3000 kinds of tropical plants,over other half of them are local tropical plants.the averag temperature here is 21.5 ℃ and the rainfall is abundant.big banyan,“black-heart”tree,glutinous-rice-smelling bamboo,clock flower,big root,color changing flower and sensitive grasses
3.now we will arrive here olive dam,located in the lower reaches of lancang river, 30 km southeast of jinghong, olive dam is the lowest and hottest place xishuangbanna. tropical climate brings in abundant products and various tropical fruits, such as, coconut, areca, banana, mango .in the dam flowers blossom all the year around,and green mountains and blue water here show the beautiful of nature.it is the best place to relax yourself.
4.now we will go to manfeilong pagoda,it is a grand and magnificent buddhist building with a very long history in xishuangbanna.it has had a profound influence not only on buddhists of different nationalities in china,but also on the little
vehicle buddhist in myanmar,laos and thailand.hundreds of buddhist patriarch.the pagoda is a masoy structure and consists of nine small ground-like pagoda,in the middle of which stands a 16.29 meters high”mother”pagoda surrounded by eight”son”pagodas of 9.1 meters high.
the sacred tower represents people’s devotion to their religion,ancient people’s ex
cellent architectural skills and more importantly people’s wish for a better life.
now i will introduce you a local featured cooking style – baoshao, it is a popular dai-style way of cooking. the local people use banana leaves or other leaves to wrap up the food like meat, fish, etc, and barbecue on the charcoal fire. any meat can be cooked in that way. it tastes delicious and unique.
roast fish and bamboo rice is the typical delicious food.and we will taste them later.
after lunch we will go to manjinglan food street,manla village and jinshatan barbecue night market特价飞机票查询时刻表
文昌旅游景点有哪些地方 in the afternoon we will go to folk craft market,you can buy some special goods here,such as jade, sculpture,tea,folk costumes  and  goods from thailand.
为什么娘娘庙不能随便拜 ok,it’s 9:30 pm now,we are back to our hotel ,our bus is ready,please carry your package and get to the bus.
  082240094 潘艳萍
xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of yunnan province. the prefecture is nicknamed aerial garden for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants.  renowned as a huge natural zoo, xishuangbannas rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals. within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering.
thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame. the region has 5,000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in china. this has earned it the renow
n and sobriquet the moonstone on the crown of the kingdom of plants.

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