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1. —Kids from happy families are more confident.
— That's true.A happy family provides a loving __________ for its children.()
A. environment
B. activity
C. expression
D. development
2. Earth Hour could ________ people to protect the environment and deal with climate (气候)change.()
A. trust
B. spread
C. question
D. lead
3. —All of Wu Jing's movies are wonderful.
—________.Especially The Battle at Lake Changjin《长津湖》.()
A. I can't agree more
B. Don't mention it现在爬泰山门票多少钱
C. That's not the point
D. I'm afraid not
4. — Boys and girls,do you remember ________ you came here three years ago?
— To realize our dreams!()
A. when
B. how
C. what
D. why
5.    A Disneyland Park (迪斯尼乐园) ________ in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future.
A. builds
B. has built
C. will build
D. will be built
6. - Mary didn't come to school yesterday,did she?
-    ,though she was not feeling very well.()
A. No, she didn't
B. Yes, she did
C. Yes, she didn't
D. No, she did
7. Have you _______your new classmates yet?()
A. had friends with
B. made friend with
C. got friend to
D. made friends with
8. —I don't like playing computer games.
西江温泉度假村—_________.It wastes too much time.()
A. Me,too
B. Me neither
C. So do I
D. So I do
9. —How long have you _________ Jinan?—For about twelve years.()
A. been in
B. gone to
C. been to
D. come to
10. -When I got off the bus, I found my phone had been stolen.
A. Pardon me
B. What bad luck
C. Guess what
D. Have a good time
When I woke up,rain was loudly hitting my window.Weekends are my only(1)______ to sleep in,but I couldn't because of the sound of the rain.My brain was (2)______ and full of ideas,so I decided to get up and finish my English homework.
I went to a coffee shop and started taking notes on(3)______ was happening around me.When I looked at the parking lot (停车场),an elder couple in a car(4)______ my attention.After parking,the woman got out and went to help her(5)______ out of the car.They entered the shop together.
As soon as they came inside,another car(6)______ in the parking lot,with all four windows rolled down (摇下来)and a group of people inside.The teenager who was driving it had turned the speakers up so high that I could hear their(7)______ inside the coffee shop.
However,they were not bad kids.They were just(8)______ the music.
Many memories jumped into my(9)______ .I could not stop thinking about the people who have b
een by my side since I was young.
Similar to life in the real world,everyone is different,but whether(10)______ or enemies,we are all still part of the same group.When we disagree with others,we should take a step back,look carefully and try to understand them before judging (判断)them.
11.  A. accident    B. chance    C. treasure    D. suggestion
12.  A. frozen    B. empty    C. awake    D. worried
13.  A. what    B. where    C. when    D. how
东澳岛和外伶仃岛哪个好14.  A. brought    B. paid    C. watched    D. caught
15.  A. sister    B. husband    C. daughter    D. uncle
16.  A. broke    B. blew    C. appeared    D. cancelled
17.  A. music    B. voice    C. shouting    D. sound
18.  A. making    B. singing    C. writing    D. enjoying
19.  A. face    B. dream    C. life    D. mind
20.  A. parents    B. doctors    C. friends    D. relatives
Philip worked in a large company.He wanted to make a good impression on his leader,(21)he worked very carefully.What was more,Philip always stayed up late at the office to (22)how hard-working he was.One evening,while working,Philip saw his leader (23)a shredder(碎纸机)with a bag in his hand.There was a piece of paper in the bag.
Philip greeted his leader and the leader said,"Ah,Philip!I'm so glad you're (24)here at this time as usual.Now,I wonder if you could (25)me."
"Of course,"replied Philip.
"Good man!I'm reading the words on this machine.I don't know how to use it at all.For me,there isn't much (26),because I have to deal with the things written on this piece of paper at once.If you can teach
me to use the machine,I'd really appreciate it and feel (27)."
"No problem,"said Philip,""I have used it many times.So,for me,it's not (28).Let me use it by myself." He took out that piece of paper from the leader's (29)and put it into the machine.Philip turned on the machine,and it (30)working.
"That's excellent,"said the leader,"I just need two copies(复印件)."
21.  A. so    B. if    C. though    D. but
22. A.imagine  B.see  C.show  D.believe
23.  A. watching    B. repairing    C. making    D. using
24.  A. already    B. still    C. never    D. nearly
25.  A. choose    B. like    C. describe    D. help
26.  A. money    B. trouble    C. time    D. food
27.  A. scared    B. happy  C.funny  D.nervous
28.  A. regular    B. strange    C. usual    D. expensive
29.  A. purse    B. drawer    C. clothes    D. bag
30.  A. stopped    B. finished    C. started    D. continued
31. Jack:Hello,Robert,Are you free on Saturday morning?
Jack:There is a basketball match at the Sports Center.Do you want to watch it?
Jack:Our school and No.1 Middle School.
Rorbert(3)______ Let's go to cheer for our team.
Jack:Yeah.No.1Middle School Team is not easy to beat.
Robert:So the match will be exciting.(4)______
Jack:At 8:30.Do you think you can get up on time?
Robert:Of course.(5)______
Jack:OK.There will be three school buses waiting for us in front of the library.Let's meet there at 8:30.
Robert:All right.See you then.
Wang Ruoyu,13,Hangzhou,figure skating (花样滑冰)  There are many artificial ice rinks (人工雪场)here.Russian figure
skater Alexandra Trusova (特鲁索娃)is my favorite player.She encouraged me to learn figure skating.She is known for challenging
tricks that people think only boys can do. In 2021,my team took part in an Asian figure skating tour competition in Hangzhou.We won the gold medal in the team event.
Zhen Xi,16,Beijing Snowboarding  Snowboarding is one of my favorite sports.In 2014,I started to learn it from my father,a super fan of the sport.He has a left-foot-forward-stance (左脚在前的站立姿势),which is common. In 2019,my family traveled to Austria.I got a professional coach,a
nice lady,she taught me to stand on the snowboard with my right foot in front.
Li Zimeng,13,
Sanya ice hockey (曲棍球)  I can play ice hockey in Sanya,though a long time ago I never
thought I could.In 2020,my school opened a class in ice hockey
and invited three players from UK to teach them.We usually train on the playground at school.There is one ice rink in Sanya.I go there to train twice a month.
In fact,I was born in Northeast China.I learned to ski and skate
there.But when I was 4 years old,my family moved here.Now,I can feel a winter like my friends up north.
32.  Who encouraged Wan Ruoyu to learn skating ? ______
A. Her father.
B. Her coach.
C. A Russian player.
D. Three players from UK. 33.  Where did Zhen Xi learn to stand on the snowboard with his right foot in front  ______  A. In Austria.    B. In China.    C. In UK.    D. In Russia. 34.  What does Li Zimeng go to the ice rink for ? ______
A. To meet her friends.
B. To practice ice hockey.
C. To train how to skate.
D. To experience the winter.
Do you still remember the lecture from China's Tiangong space station last year On March 23,astronauts Zhai Zhigang,Wang Yaping and Ye

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