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公务员报考条件2022年During the sweltering summer vacation, my parents took me to visit the famous Zhejiang East Grand Canyon in Ninghai County, Zhejiang Province.
As soon as we entered the scenic area of the Grand Canyon, we saw a large lake that could not be seen in sight. The sun shone on the sparkling water, golden, like countless small mirrors. Rowing boats floating on the surface of the lake, coupled with birds soaring in the air, constitute a magnificent picture.
Next, we took a boat ride to enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the strait. The first thing that caught my eye were the towering peaks on both sides, some like a sleeping lion by the lake, some like a horse ready to go, and some like a sheepdog, faithfully guarding this quiet lake.武夷山旅游攻略必玩的景点
The boat docked, and the beauty of both sides of the river was far away from us. Just when I was a little frustrated, as soon as I got off the boat, another beautiful view unfolded in front
of our eyes. Walking along a rocky cliff path, I suddenly heard the sound of "ding-ding-ding-dong", and I followed the beautiful sound of spring water all the way. Not far from me, a clear pool of water appeared in front of me, and there were colorful stones under the water, which was very beautiful. Picking up a pool of water, I played to the fullest, and the cool spring water washed away the tiredness of my day.河北保定旅游景点

本文发布于:2023-09-08 15:43:21,感谢您对本站的认可!



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