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1. What outdoor activity does Millie like?
2. What is Mr Brown’s new telephone number?
3. Where is the bank?
临安天气预报4. What is Lucy going to be when she grows up?
5. When will they meet?
A.At 4: B.At 4: C.At 5:
6. Where are they?
A.At a restaurant. B.In a bookshop. C.In a hospital.
7. Which floor does Wendy live on?
A.The twelfth floor. B.The ninth floor. C.The sixth floor.
8. What did Simon do yesterday?
A.He cleaned up the park. B.He planted
C.He visited the old
people’s home.
9. Which country did Andy go to with her parents last year?  A.France. B.Canada. C.The USA.
10. What kind of animals does Neil like best?
A.Monkeys. B.Dogs. C.Elephants.
听对话, 回答以下各小题。
11. Where is the new sports center?
A.On Station Road. B.In Bridge Street. C.On Long Road.
12. When will Mary and Tony go to the sports center?
A.Next Friday. B.Next Thursday. C.Next Tuesday. 四、听录音完成表格(含选项)
A.6:10 B.6:30 C.6:15
A.car B.school bus C.taxi 15.
A.twenty B.thirty C.fifteen
16. Who did the writer go shopping with?
A.His mother. B.His brother. C.His father.
17. What did they buy in the supermarket?
A.Some fruits. B.Some bread. C.Some food.
18. Where is the pet shop?
A.In the supermarket. B.Next to the
C.Behind the
19. What did they buy in the pet shop?
A.Food for dogs. B.Food for cats. C.Food for birds.
20. Why couldn’t the writer have a dog?
A.Because the house was old. B.Because the house
was small.
C.Because the house
was big.
21. It is ________ building. How tall it is!
A.a 180-foot-tall B.an 180-foot-
C.an 180-feet-
D.a 180-feet-
22. We young people should ________ to face the future.
A.enough brave B.be enough brave C.brave enough D.be brave enough
23. You will have to ________ the library book if you lose it. It’s the rule. A .take B .pay for C .cost D .spend on
24. —I’m sorry I didn’t win the running race yesterday. —That’s OK. You ________ win every time. A .can’t  B .could C .can D .mustn’t
25. ________ terrible weather it is! We will have to stay at home. A .How a B .How C .What D .What a
26. Oh, no! Our tent is on fire! Let’s get some water and ________. A .put it out B .put out it C .put it up D .put up it
27. The room is ________ for us ________. Do you have a bigger one? A .so big; to live B .too small; to live in C .so small; to live in it D .big enough; to live in
28. The train ran ________ the green field and then ________ the forest quickly. A .across; through B .across; across C .through; crossed D .through; across
大唐芙蓉园必看景点29. Mr. Li was on his way home when he suddenly heard someone ________ “Help! Help!”. A .shouting B .to shout C .shouts D .shouted
30. — Don’t smoke in the forest any more, young man. It may catch fire.
— ________.
A .Yes, I do
B .No, I don’t
C .Yes, I will
新疆私人导游D .No, I won’t
Willard Franklin came to my class half a year ago. But since (自从) the first day, he locked himself in his world
and  31  spoke to others. As his teacher, I tried to start a talk with him but  32 . It seemed as if he just
didn’t want to break hi s silence (沉默).
Before the Christmas, we got the news of the yearly collection of money for the poor in our school. “Christmas is a season
of  33 .” I told my students. “By giving a little money, you will help buy some toys, food and clothing for these students in  34 .The collection will start tomorrow.”
But the next morning I found that
almost  35  forgot about the collection except (除了) Willard. He came up to my desk with his head down. He put two coins (硬币) into the small box. “I don’t need milk for lunch,” he
said  36 .
After school I couldn’t help sharing what had happened in the morning with our headmaster. “I think Willard may
be  37 to become a part of our class.”
“I am glad to hear that,” he nodded. “And I just got a list of the  38  families in our school who need help most. Here, take a  39 .”
As I sat down to read, I found Willard Franklin was at the top of the list. At that moment, I started to know Willard for the first time—a cold face with a  40  heart (心). Since then, I learnt that whether (是否) rich or poor, every child has a kind heart.
A.never B.always C.often D.sometimes
A.forgot B.changed C.failed D.stopped
A.enjoying B.giving C.receiving D.shopping
A.danger B.hope C.hospital D.need
A.somebody B.nobody C.anybody D.everybody

本文发布于:2023-09-08 18:36:45,感谢您对本站的认可!



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